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Everything posted by Hayray

  1. The "Kerbdiver" is based on the "Skydiver" from the classic (but really goofy) Sci-Fi series UFO. If you haven't watched it you should, but be sure not to take it too seriously by today's standards
  2. That's easy enough, lots of RCS. Some of the thrusters are visible, some more are hidden inside the model. It will not stay down there permanently but long enough for some nice screenshots and for take-off. However I have to admit (probably clear to anyone who's been playing for a while) that this entire model really only works with hacks, specifically unlimited RCS and at least to get it out there hacked gravity.
  3. One of my first attempts at recreating something goofy. Relatively few bonus points for guessing what this resembles Oh, and don't be too rough with me, only been playing for a week so I'm not all that good with vehicle designs yet. Heading out: Going to periscope depth: Launch stations! Launch! A job well done. Time for tea chaps!
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