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Everything posted by Ampen

  1. I found another post with a similar issue, where the suggestion was made to alter the config file as below, wich seems to have sorted the issue for me at least. EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE = False In case anyone else run into this issue I figured I'd post this here. File to be edited is the settings.cfg, and can be found in the KSP main folder. Furthermore, backtracking some it seems this started for me with a new set of drivers for the x-box controller some time ago, wich made the RT and LT buttons share the Z-axis, wich they did not do earlier, but instead had one axis each. Once this was altered and RT and LT shared the Z-axis, that made the Z-axis always have at least 50% indication since it then ranged from 0% (LT pushed fully) to 100% (RT pushed fully) and a neutral of 50%. Once that was introduced, my kerbals started spinning while on EVA.
  2. Same issue here still. I tried this out again now that 1.2 is out, since where I was I was doing alot of docking and EVAs. Thing is, I'm using basically the same setup for docking operations as for kerbal EVAs. When doing docking operations with crafts there's no issue at all, but as soon as a kerbal goes EVA, and that's equally true wheter it's in space or on a celestial body of some sort, the orientation is messed up. They spin in space and doesn't move correctly on planets. Weird thing is it can't be helped with keyboard controls either. The controller works without issues in other games, I might add.
  3. Yeah, no sweat, I've had some serious issues with this, tried to find a solution but hasn't found any. Was a relief for me as well to see I'm not the only one with the issue. Yes, I've tried all configs I can imagine. Thing is, there's also the default configuration still in place W-A-S-D, but when using it instead I still get the same issue, kerbals are only moving forward. Providing settings, don't know where to find the logs I'm afraid. What I can say though is I think this all started when Microsoft changed the control layout on the gamepads, at least it is done on the X-box One controller. While earlier the LT and the RT buttons shared the Z axis, with neutral having the axis in the middle and LT moving it down and RT moving it up, LT now is alone on Z axis, neutral is null and pressing give full response, while RT has a new feedback called Z rotation, where neutral is null and pressing give full respons. My settings.
  4. I have the exact same problem, only difference is I'm using the Steam x64 install and an Xbox One controller. Doesn't help to press Alt or changing camera angle either.
  5. Yes, the initial idea was all about the trying out different rover configurations, and the other stuff I usually do on the launchpad, wich works for what I need tested. But since I play career I thought it might be interesting with some stuff that actually could be upgraded, although a testing area for rovers could be that as well, with a bigger area in higher levels, and more bumps, larger craters etc.
  6. Afternoon fellas. I've read through what I can to see if this has been suggested before, but couldn't find anything, neither do I belive it falls under "More types of launch facilities" but that statement wasn't clarified further, so I can't know for sure. If it would be I'm re-posting in some way I do apologize for that. Anyway, I'm fairly new to this game, and it is a lovely game indeed. I have though realized there's something missing at least for me, and that is a proper testing area. As an example, while building a rover for Mun, the only area to actually test it on was around the launch pad. I took it for a spin, and ended up driving a fairly long bit in the reasonable pace this vehicle achieved, and after quite some time reached the hills to the west(?) of the Kerbal Space Center. It did strike me then though that a small area connected to the Space Center would be a very useful addition to test rovers, as an example. My suggestion: Test area added to Kerbal Space Center, with various testing possibilities. - Dunes and craterlike holes for testing rovers. - Free fall facility to drop pods with chutes to get an idea how well the chutes will work on a certain spacecraft construction. - Engine rack to run engines with different fuel loadout and examine how they behave. - Rail for kerbal-strapped-to-rocket horizontal testing. - Anything else that might be needed? I do alot of testing on the launch pad, but as for the rover as an example, that's simply not a suitable place to test it considering the enviroment it's going to operate in. Most other things can be tested on the launch pad, but I think it would be an interesting concept to have an actual test area for it, and depending on how it is made one might actually discover stuff you wouldn't find out doing the tests on the pad (and who wouldn't love to strap a kerbal to a rocket on rails?). Of course, in career mode this area could be upgraded, from starting with just a free fall facility to test chutes, to at next level include the engine rack when it's time for longer travel, and maybe finally the rover testing area. Thnx for reading.
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