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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I actually just call the game "Kerbal", it's not like there's anything else the word could allude to.
  2. 5 pages and no one said flying? That would be my reflex answer But I'd probably go for the power of instant learning. Being able to do anything like a pro after watching somebody doing it or reading about it, learning a language in a day, etc.
  3. I have to ask, is your sister single? (Just kidding, in case my gf reads this )
  4. You can never do the exact maneuver you calculated, because this would imply that you would get the entire delta v at the precise moment the timer hits zero, and not progressively over a certain period of time.
  5. The only thing that interested me from Maxis was Spore, and I lost hope for a sequel a long time ago.
  6. I'm too early in the game to give a proper answer, but given its sandbox and open ended nature, I can see myself playing it for months and even years. The only other game I've played continuously for such a long time is Elite Dangerous. In terms of playtime it's likely to become one of my most played games ever, and therefore one of my favourites. Then again given it's nature, it has no story or proper characters, which makes it harder to love than more emotionally involving games like Mass Effect, Xenogears, etc, so it s very difficult to classify it compared to those narrative games. Attachment comes in a different way for a game like Ksp, I think it comes with the time spent on it, which makes your involvment grow as you play. All that to say, I guess it will eventually be in my top few games, but I must wait a bit before I can really say It's definitely one of the more original games, and for it's type it's very well made and complete.
  7. I wondered if it was possible in KSP to make rotating engines, I'm glad to know it is! Does it cost a lot in terms of weight and space or is it a viable solution if you want to make an efficient spacecraft?
  8. This looks amazing, I'm only starting with KSP but I hope some day I can make SSTOs like this! it's much more elegant than rockets that end up as debris.
  9. Hi guys, I live in France and just bought KSP three days ago. I'm loving it so far even though I haven't yet managed to complete any of the the tutorials! That hasn't stopped me from starting a career mode though...
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