I've been experimenting with surface outposts for a while, but didn't have a lot of success. I get doing them as a challenge or contract, but do they really work for anything else? My thinking was, an outpost would be natural for resource mining. Ok let's say we have a processing plant, ore tanks, and fuel tanks. We also need a separate excavator vessel with a drill. Our ultimate goal is to get the fuel to orbit, so ships can refuel there. So we also need a shuttle to transfer fuel to the orbit. That's a lot of moving parts there. Another scenario: our entire processing plant is on the orbit. In this case excavator is also the shuttle, the difference is it shuttles ore instead of fuel. Docking in orbit is way less difficult than on surface, so this structure is much less of a pain in the ass. Now, my first thought was lifting crude ore is ridiculous, but turns out KSP ore is like super refined and is basically the same mass as fuel. Plus, in reality I would use an assortment of ground vehicles to maintain the surface outpost. There would be construction equipment to move modules around, ore trucks, actual ground excavators, etc. I would love to build all that, and it is almost possible in the game, but not quite. Basically the main focus is on rockets, and every piece is really designed for a rocket. Rovers are fun to play with, but actually driving them anywhere? It's just not that kind of a scale. As for loaders and such, there's a key piece missing: some kind of controllable lifting arm or platform that would allow to operate large weights with reasonable precision (entirely not a rocket concept). So, am I missing something, did anyone actually had a success with surface outposts? Or are they more of a challenge than an actual functional piece?