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Everything posted by Son_of_Al

  1. My original intent was to use the Mk3 shuttle cockpit but use both the four man cockpit as well as another 4 man IVA to add a little more seating on the lower deck (like the space shuttle set up basically.) I never intended to "combine" the IVAs but rather just use two separate ones for the same part, adding more crew capacity with an IVA.
  2. Im having a bunch of texture issues with the SXT mod. Lots of all black or reddish kinda stuff going on. Do these parts rely on squad textures or something? I deleted a bunch of stock parts that were redundant or useless
  3. Downloaded RSS! Having a blast finding out how hard getting to space and doing anything meaningful can be with just a little bit more realism
  4. Hey there folks, I use the Ubiowelding Mod to reduce my part count and generate unique parts for my personal use. I often alter CFGs to get what I want/need in a part. I've been adding IVAs to parts for a while not but I was curious if it's possible to combine two IVA's, (MK2 cockpit + MK2 Passenger for example) and have them displayed ingame within one part. So here is my question: Is there a way to assign two IVA's to one part in the CFG? And if not... Can two IVA CFGs be combined to generate a similar result? I was hoping someone who was add-on savvy could tell me how to do this if its even possible. Thanks ahead of time! Any and all help would be appreciated!
  5. First I must say, I love the mod! Really, something I'll keep in my game for as long as I play. I was having a technical problem that maybe someone could help me with. The icon is on the screen several times over. This seems to change every now and again between different flights or whatnot. I am testing a bunch of new mods atm so when i go and clean things up I might resolve the issue but I was curious if anyone else observed this. Thanks ahead of time for any help
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