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Everything posted by feuerplatz

  1. I'm afraid it does not (notice that your own RS-2 nuclear engine has key = 2 0.001 set, just like stock LV-N, whereas stock Poodle has key = 3 0.001). All engines are at full throttle, also notice the thrust.
  2. The link seems to be the .dll, not the source code itself. There some hints in Google for Mercurial SCM at http://scm.genesisrage.net/, but it doesn't work, unfortunately. I just wanted to try and make a better toolbar button for this, I find myself constantly switching here and there, and it's not very convenient now.
  3. Seems like you forgot to nerf Quadroodle engine for Eve. atmosphereCurve in sources only has entries for "key = 0 360" and "key = 1 90". You should most probably add something like "key = 3 0.001".
  4. When I move to and from IVA with Aerodynamic Forces displayed (F12 on KSP 1.0.2), the arrows stick there and become part of the model, even displayed on VV monitor. Can anyone confirm? KSP 1.0.2, RPM 0.19.4, VV 0.71.
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