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Posts posted by Dreaming

  1. This is going to be the silliest question EVER...

    Anyway, I just started using linux (ubuntu 14.04) and I'm still getting the hang of things... I managed to install Steam, KSP and ckan and they all seem to run just fine but my problem is how do I configure ckan? From what I can see steam is installed on a hidden folder (~/.local/share/Steam) but since it's hidden I can't chose it with ckan...

    Can anyone tell me how I can handle this? As a side question I'd love if anyone could tell me where is the expected place to install programs on linux (something like C:/program files/ on windows). So far I've been mostly installing things using apt-get which is easy enough but not all programs use it and at some point I'll need to know how things work...

    Thanks for the tips... :)

    Yes I did this other day, you can't select it manually, but you can set it as the directory using the terminal. Press ctrl + alt + t to bring up a terminal window and type (may need to CD to wherever your ckan.exe directory is first)

    mono ckan.exe ksp add default /path/to/your/install

    followed by

    mono ckan.exe ksp default default

    With regards to your question about install directory, well in linux files are grouped by function rather than what program uses them. So for example some executable files might be installed to /usr/bin, some required libraries (which could be shared by different programs) could be installed to /usr/lib, other files in /usr/share and so on and so forth. Steam is a bit of a funky one in that it apparently installs to the home partition (which is for user documents / music / pictures / videos / etc). Not sure why.

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