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Everything posted by Valday

  1. Disregard this post, I didn't think my first thread on this got registered for some reason, now I have 2 :S
  2. Hi Been doing alot of missions lately where you need to rescue kerbals stuck in orbit, and have completed quite a few by now. There is one thing bugging me however, and that is that I have no target indicator in external vehicle view. I've watched some videos on this subject and they all have their target marked by a green diamond with a distance indicator in EV-view. This is of course of great help and I have no idea why I don't have it, and I would really this feature for when I start to do docking missions. I guess I also should mention that I have set the object as target as well. I play career mode and have the tracking station fully upgraded, most other buildings are atleast level 2. I run the mods Kerbalengineer, Europeflags and Planetshine. Does anyone have any idea of why I'm missing the target indicator? Any help much appreciated. -V
  3. I've been practicing rescue missions in career mode lately, where you need to get a kerbal stuck in orbit safely back to Kerbin. I've started to get the hang of this, but there is one thing bugging me. When I watch (and learn from) other people doing this, they can clearly see the object they are trying to hook up with in external vehicle view since it's marked with a green "diamond" with information about the distance. I don't have this, and I don't understand why this is. It's quite frustrating since it can be extremely difficult sometimes to actually see the object you are approaching, and I have to rely only on relative velocity and the navbal somtimes. I guess I should also mention that I have set the object as target in map view. I'm playing career mode with the tracking station fully upgraded. I'm using the mods Kerbalengineer, Europeflags and Planetshine. Have I missed something here? Do i need to press a key, upgrade something, have a specific part on my vessel? Any help much appreciated. - V
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