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  1. I was wondering if you've updated the files so it's a little easier to get the fairings to work in the extended configurations? I've had very little success in getting them to work even with clean installations. Please let me know, I'd still be interested in assisting you guys with this. I'm still using it with the upright fairing. They get stuck a lot but any time I try to invert the fairing it won't connect. Thanks, E
  2. I like the last picture, cool stuff. So far I can't get the fairing to attach upside down. Any clue why? Thanks, E
  3. Okay, I've tried just about everything I know to get this to work and I cant seem to do so. Once I invert the fairing I con no longer get it to connect to the base. I'm using the right base and fairing since it matches the cfg file settings but I just cant seem to get it to connect once inverted. Any ideas?? E
  4. I've only seen 3 base plates and I've tried them all with the same results. The pics show a ship I built quickly so I could show you what was happening. Yeah I like those pics!! The only prob I have with the generic Orion is lack of enough monpropellent. I always run out when I'm doing a ship to ship linkup or .... to station. So, I've been adding extra tanks for that. What is the part your saying to use so I can look for it in the build hanger. thx, E - - - Updated - - - I just tried every single base I have. They all don't work. I'll try reinstalling it and see what happens... e
  5. - - - Updated - - - I uploaded some images to imgur so you could see what I'm referring to. The fairing is still going up and over the lander or whatever is in that part of the ship. Thanks, E
  6. I was able to utilize the fairing base you provided with a few issues. I took the top stages of the Otion after the adaptor, and put a rover underneath it. I used a SLS bottom two stages for orbit and transition burn to the moon. I added two more SF boosters and additional fuel. I was able to achieve orbit at 150 km then burned to the mun. However, when I went to deploy the fairings, for the rover, I had a catastrophic disaster! The fairings hung on to the upper stage, which caused it to blow up and abort the mission. My second attempt was much better and they deployed nicely, allowing me to get into a mun orbit. When I separated the rover something happened that I didn't see which caused the same stage to blowup. I'm not sure what caused the second explosion since the fairings didn't hang up. It was probably something I did in the construction of the rocket. i created a few more configurations since then; one with a lander the other with a lander with a rover attached to it. I have not gotten around to launching them yet. I will later tonight. A note on the fairings. They are sort of hard to get a clean look and you have to fiddle around with the settings to get them to look right. With that said though they still go over the top of the middle stage which is what caused the first ship to have problems. I'm either doing it in correctly or maybe that's how they're supposed to look. Let me know what settings you have on your fairing base so I can duplicate here on my end. I think the nice thing about having this is you can launch the Orion with hardware instead of just Kebals. I always found that to be a bit annoying having the Orion just for Kerbals. Now I can send it up with all kinds of equipment. If you add more fuel and two more boosters on the SLS it has plenty of fuel for even Duna, however getting home might be a problem? I'll have to try it and see what the dV is. I think the best configuration for the Orion is with a Lander or a Rover, in my opinion. I just went back and looked at some of your photos. The fairings that I'm able to make are not half cylinders. They look like a regular fairing but pushed down to the middle of the rocket. I'm not sure how your doing that, as per your pics. Let it me know your fairing base settings and I'll duplicate them on my builds. E
  7. Bulbashenko....awesome video of your craft. How did you do the powered hinges? That was a really cool concept for a shuttle Tyle craft. E
  8. Hey a dloaded and unzipped the file. I'm either not understanding how to use this or I'm not explaining it right or both. I cant seem to get the fairing to work. I see the new parts and I'm selecting them but they behave the same way as the old ones did. I took a screenshot of what is happening without messing with the start stop settings and one with messing with them. Im only right clicking on the part, not going into the cfg file. I took a couple of screenshots in the hanger but I can't seem to post them. Basically, Im trying to use a fairing towards the middle of the orion or a few stages down from the top. If I od this and use the fairing it shoots all the way to the top of the orion or clips and curves into the stage that im trying to cover. Kind of trying to make it look like those big decouplers on the XLS ships. What am I doing wrong? Thanks... E
  9. Thank you, I will give it a shot. I appreciate you letting me test this out. I'll let you know my results. I knew there had to be something to make it work. I could get the fairing to stop at a given height but it would still wrap around on the upper part of it so when I went to jettison it, it would either hang up or hang up really bad and cause all kinds of things to go wrong. The only way I could get it to not cause problems was by making it too large but that was really ugly. It got very frustrating by the end of my night, tonight's! So, your response was a big welcome to my frustration level. Thanks again and and ill let you know what I think. E
  10. I was playing around with some ideas I had for some rovers. I was looking for different ways to carry and deliver them, when I remembered your posting of your ideas. How do you get the fairings to stop and not curve up? I played with the settings on the fairing base and I cant get it to stop curving in even with the auto settings turned off. Is there a special piece that I need for the actual fairing or something I'm missing in the settings? Thank you, Ebphoto
  11. It it must have been a mod since it hasn't happened with this latest install. It's so hard keeping a clean or semi clean install with all the cool mods that come out. However, I've made a copy of this install on a external HD. This way I can keep this install and mod the heck out of the other without worrying. When do you think the next version of Chaka will come out? This is by far, one of the best mods out there. I use these rockets for everything. Thanks for all the help. Keep up the great job. E
  12. Wow, that's some awesome looking stuff. I've messed around a little with the robotics mod. I'll have to give that a shot. It never crossed my mind but now that you mentioned it, I can see how some of the powered hinges might help to fold thing like wheels etc., up. Once it's on the rocket, how did you bring it to the surface?? E
  13. Wow, those solar panels are big enough to catch Sandra Bullock & George Cloony! Now, how does one monkey acquire such large panels so I too can set up a Sandra/ Cloony trap? Peace, out, E the ones on pages 36-38 I think... though the the panels above are fine, just the ones on the other pages are much better for traping! - - - Updated - - - I forgot to mention this the other day when I posted. I seem to run into issues when trying to do have to the station core module. If I use Stock couplers it seems to work okay ( as far as I can tell). However, if I'm using the Chacka couplers I can't dock some of the time. I've even let MechJeb2 to try and dock up. It does fine until you actually have to click the connection to dock. Push and push, nudge, nudge then Slam and still it will not connect. Has this been a reported problem or has anyone else noticed this? I'll try tomorrow with a clean 1.04 and just Chacka to see if it is the mods I have installed with it or if it happens by itself. thanks, E
  14. I've made a few rovers to take surface samples, carry Kerbals etc.. How do you get them launched and on a planet? Small ones seem to be okay but large ones are definitely a challenge. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you, E
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