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    Curious George

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  1. Thanks so much for the information guys! I made some changes to my original rocket, namely the larger fins, which helped a lot and more fuel on the top, but more importantly the ascent profile. I tried starting my gravity turn at 70m/s and around 1000m, however it started dipping too fast which meant that if I followed the prograde to within the stability limits the ship would be horizontal at around 20km and at that point it would be folly to try to get into orbit with all the atmospheric friction. I tried starting my turn around 6km and given my high mass I hadn't accumulated too much speed and it sort of worked out ok, leaving me with around 700 delta-V. Given that I need to get into KSO, I would say this was a failed attempt and I am not sure how I can reach it with this rocket. If I add fuel I won't have enough TWR. I also tried a different design, 2 stages with the Swivel engine, based on the Falcon 9, with 4 SRBs but it is woefully underpowered and with even less delta-V. At this point I am not sure how a sleek 1.5 design is supposed to work. Its COM is obviously much better, it even flies relatively ok without the SAS, but with the Swivel it is never going to have enough thrust. I also struggle to see how exactly a rocket like the Saturn V didn't have problems with COM position. Unfortunately I can't add attachments yet, but here are the craft files for the first design and the second one. Let me if they are not working. Here is my mod list: 1)6S Service Compartment Tubes 2)Active Texture Management 3)Astronomer's Pack 4)Atmospheric Sound Enhancement 5)BahamutoB Animation Modules 6)Distant Object Enhancement 7) EVE 8)FAR 9)Fusebox 10)Habitat Pack 11)Infernal Robotics 12)KAS 13)Kerbal Engineer 14)KIS 15)Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 16)KSP AVC 17)KW Rocketry 18)MechJeb2 19)MechJeb and Engineer for all 20)Module Manager 21)Procedural Fairings 22)Remote Tech 23)Stage Recovery 24)TweakScale 25)USI Exploration & Kolonization Systems
  2. Hi guys, so I am having some FAR woes. I am trying to send 3 communication satellites in KEO and I practically stole . This is how my ship looks like, PF fairing and all. This is showing the payload, please disregard the high COL, it is because the fairing is open, the actual COM and COL points are shown in the first pic. Please also disregard the low delta-V, I know it is not going to reach orbit. The SRBs are adjusted to provide a TWR or 1.2 and the main engine (a Skipper) is also providing 1.2 at around 6k, which from what I 've gathered it the suggested TWR for FAR. This is showing the COM and COL, when the tanks are empty.Those being said, the mother-flipping rocket flips every mother-flipping time!!! I 've tried everything! Fins, no fins, less fuel in the lower tank to bring the COM up, turning at 70m/s, turning at 100m/s, turning as soon as I leave the pad, turning at 1km. Everything. It used to flip at 6-7km high, but then I adjusted the thrust so that I wouldn't reach Mach 1 until I was 18-20k up. That way I made it past the 6km up to maybe 28km up, by veeeery carefully following the prograde (+- 10 degrees) but at that point if I tried to move outside the market it would flip like a dart being thrown upwards. Since I couldn't move upwards, the rocket started to experience heat effects from its speed. All these were of course possible only because SAS was on. Even the thought of turning the SAS off, would send my ship spinning wildly into every possible direction. I 've tried pretty much everything posted in the forums, including checking the PF to see if all components were shielded. If needed I can upload a video of one of my failed attempts. Please help me, because at this point I am not sure if keeping FAR makes any sense at all....
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