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Posts posted by NdranC

  1. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place for me to ask this since it's been a while since I have played KSP but I recently downloaded CKAN and I can't download most of the mods with a similar error to this: "Failed to download "https://spacedock.info/mod/234/[x] Science!/download/v5.4" - error: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden."

    When I check the spacedock.info seems to be down and has been for the past 3 days. I'm wondering if this is an issue that I just have to wait or if it's a currently problem that will get patched out of ckan. I believe I have the latest version of ckan (v.1.22.1-0-g174271a).

    Thanks for the help.

  2. I'm getting the lines in the sky issue. I fixed this in my main computer by disabling anisotropic filtering from the nvidia control panel, but now I'm trying to do the same on a friend's AMD computer and I can't force it off; It's either on or application controlled. Any alternatives for AMD video cards? Like a config file option or something?

  3. I recently discovered RealChutes and started using it, I'm really liking the idea but I have a couple questions that so far I haven't been able to find online.

    1. With RealChutes installed what is the difference between the new RealChutes parts and the old stock chutes? Can i use exclusively realchutes without touching stock ones? and if so why leave the stock ones in? can i prune them out?

    2. What is the difference between right clicking and "Arm Parachute", "Deploy Parachute" or just activating the parachute through the staging. Does all of this plays like expected with remote tech on?

    3. I see RealChute contracts to test the cone one but I can't seem to complete it, staging or right click menu doesn't work as far as the contract can detect. Any ideas?

    4. I know I need action groups to be able to edit the parachutes settings, but I noticed that I can edit predeployment and deployment altitude only while flying but not in the vab. Kinda weird to edit parachutes in the middle of a flight but not in the VAB. Is this intended?

    Thanks for your time.

  4. The one that I linked is a more recent version, I don't bother to update things like the version number until it's finished.

    Ok just to make sure I did everything right. I went to ckan and uninstalled "Ven's Stock Part Revamp", I then downloaded the version tittle 1.8.0 from the link you gave me (download .zip on the right panel). I extracted the contents on my ksp folder, then i ran every .bat file in the pruner folder.

    There seems to be new models and textures for the same parts so I'm sure it installed correctly but I still have the same problem with Deadly Reentry. If i remove deadly reentry Ven's parachutes work fine, if I remove Ven's the normal Mk16 works fine with deadly reentry. It is possible that this is a 3 way incompatibility with a third mod but I'm too tired to be testing that right now. I might do it later. I don't have real chutes and the only thing I can think of that might mess with parachutes directly is stock bug fixes and stock plus.

  5. I don't think any of these should be causing issues. It's more likely to be a moving or animated part -- particles and effects shouldn't have anything to do with FAR! Could you give us a screenshot or a craft file of something that causes the problems?

    This is the craft, it happens with anything I launch so far. I've also noticed in the launch pad I have a slight stutter every 8 seconds almost on the dot dropping me from 60 to 47 fps and when I launch, the stutter happens every 2 seconds constantly with very noticeable skips, even the audio skips. I tried the exact same setup without FAR and Advanced Jet Engine and the stutter is pretty much gone.

    In case it helps this is my mod list Page1, Page2 and Page3.

  6. It's possible that one of your mods has an animation that is updating constantly. A constantly updating animation will cause FAR to re-voxelize the vessel every half second, though this is usually done on a different thread.

    I do have some mods related to animations. I have Collision FX, CoolRockets, Engine Lightning, Real Plume, Ven's Stock Part Revamp. It's all I can think of. Any of these mods are know to cause problems with FAR? The problem is not even low FPS its just the constant stutter that gets in the way of my inputs.

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