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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Ok, so by comparing my persistence file to a fresh version I managed to effect a fix by changing the 'state' in each of the Docking Port 'MODULE' sections. One must be Docked (docker) and one must be Docked (dockee) MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode isEnabled = True crossfeed = True stagingEnabled = False state = Docked (docker) MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode isEnabled = True crossfeed = True stagingEnabled = False state = Docked (dockee)
  2. I've had a version of the Docking Port bug strike my Minmus Station when trying to send the shuttle back to Kerbin. The menu on both ports showed the 'Undock' command but, when selected, nothing happened. Now neither port is showing the undock option. I can see that this is an ongoing issue and that it can be resolved (at least in the short term) by persistence file editing, however I cannot make sense of the file enough to reset the docking ports into a functional state. Can anyone help with some editing (I'm on Mac OS so KML doesn't work) or at least give me a guide as to what to change? Cheers, Chris Dropbox link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/tnw8iz8ic2ys2kr/persistent.sfs?dl=0 Vessel - pid = b61add01fa45422a83ad9c7461033045 name = Minmus Station Problem Port 1 - name = mk2DockingPort cid = 4294450524 uid = 944302053 mid = 2933738542 Problem Port 2 - name = dockingPort2 cid = 4294667814 uid = 1862344031 mid = 2933738542 Mods - MechJeb, KER, TAC Fuel Balancer, Trajectories
  3. TAC Fuel Balancer - Looks like it is v1.2 compatible too. I've been missing this mod in my Minmus Fuel Station setup - very glad to see it back!
  4. I'm seeing lots of z-fighing type glitches in the floor of the VAB (pictured) and Hangar, but only on the floor markings, and also in the Flag visible from the launch pad. Anyone else seeing this type of bug? https://www.dropbox.com/s/nn6iej7oy0f9ry5/Screen%20Shot%202016-04-21%20at%2012.11.44.png?dl=0 Edit: System info from .log file (I know its not a specy system but it should run the VAB!) OS: Mac OS X 10.11.3 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz (4) RAM: 8192 GPU: Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine (579MB) SM: 30 (OpenGL 2.1 [2.1 INTEL-10.0.40]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8
  5. Apologies if this is covered in any other posts but these are my suggestions for game improvements, two may be fairly simple - the other maybe not... 1 - The ability to have a notepad attached to each vessel/probe/base etc. I have multiple missions going on at the same time and, on occasion, due to the RL time that goes by between each phase of the missions I have lost track of what is going where and what it is meant to be doing when it gets there. Adding a scratch pad to each craft that can be edited and updated mid-flight would be useful to me. 2 - This one might be impossible/impractical to implement. It is probably best explained via a scenario... Launch a vessel and get to booster burn out - jettison the booster. At this point the game would 'save' and you can switch to the booster that is now headed back towards the surface. You can 'fly' the booster all the way down, deploying the parachutes and recovering the parts. The kicker would be that you could reload the main vessel and the time would revert back to where you left it, allowing the vessel to be piloted to orbit/wherever. The SRB that was jettisoned would follow the flight pattern that you had flown previously and be recovered. This would be the real world equivalent of having a separate, parallel control team for each part of the vessel and flight This could also be used to fly multiple craft at the same time for maneuvers or other fun things. 3 - Kerbal Uniforms for specialists I know that you can get the Kerbals specialism via the Astronaut Complex but that is a pain. I have 7 kerbals in orbit around Duna and I need different crews for different tasks on each mission using one multirole vehicle (fuel or science). Making sure I have my scientist on board or my engineers is crucial for the success of each mission. It would be so much better to have different coloured uniforms (or even a patch/label) to say which kerbal has which trade.
  6. It was launched on a disposable launcher, the conventional way (no hyper-edit etc) with the standard Mk2 Cockpit as the root. I ended up using the F12 menu to bring it and the crew home. I'll give it another go today and have a better look at the stats as it goes to orbit.
  7. Is there any reason (besides the name) why the NUK-2 Fission Reactor doesn't seem to work outside the atmosphere? It's stuck at -0.2% thermal efficiency and not putting out any electrical charge or using any fuel. I had it bench tested on the runway running the ion engine at full thrust with no issues, as long as there were a bunch of radiators installed, but now it is out in space it is like it has frozen solid.
  8. Apologies if this belongs in the Support/Bug section but I'm having issues with completing some (but not all) "Place a satellite containing x in a specific orbit around y" contracts. The parameter that is failing to complete is the requirement for it to be a 'new unmanned probe'. I can think of two possible causes for this: [LIST=1] [*]The 'new probe' is a subassembly core satellite with a few add ons to satisfy the contract requirements like a thermometer etc - could the fact that the probe is an old design be what is failing to trigger the parameter? [*]The probe was launched attached to a manned vessel and deployed into orbit around its target (Mun) then maneuvered into its correct orbit - would the manned launch aspect be causing the system not to recognise that it is unmanned once deployed? [/LIST] I'll try building a new satellite from the ground up and/or launching it solo on the next contract. This is the craft file for the current launch - [URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnlq8kf3t8vek9q/Mun%203%20%28Sat%29.craft?dl=0[/URL] For info I have MechJeb, KER and ScienceAlert running on the Mac version Edit: After saving the game and exiting to the front screen to check the version, reloading and returning to the probe - the condition is ticked and the contract is complete. Changed to answered but it is still odd.
  9. The man knows his spaceplanes! Hit 1250m/s at 21km then toggled the RAPIERS over and achieved orbit. After I had transferred the fuel to the CRV I had over 1100m/s DV left, not counting Ore, so I headed for Minmus! That's when the next round of problems hit! The indication on the DV remaining in the node stopped running down but the fuel kept burning. When I reloaded from a Quicksave all its clothes had fallen off, the Kerbals were Kraken fodder and Kerbin had become a white dwarf. Interestingly this is the same skeleton craft that I saw if I 'Revert to Launch' on previous failed launches. http://imgur.com/Ks9gk5y I think I'm allergic to SSTO!
  10. This is a really cool craft but I'm struggling to get it into orbit. I'm consistently coming up about 100m/s short even if I reduce the amount of ore at launch and run the ISRU to top up the Oxidizer fuel (I have heaps of LF left over). Can you suggest your optimal launch profile for this craft?
  11. You need to change the root part - use the button in the top left of the VAB that looks like a Z with a dot at either end. This will let you select a new part to base the vessel around. At the moment your ship is rooted on the command pod. When you delete that there is no root part to start from.
  12. I've made a small tweak to my persistence file (to issue a Kerbal with the screwdriver she left in the lunch room before launch) and now I cannot reload that save. On the Start Game screen I click on Resume Saved, the text changes colour but nothing else happens. I can start new games but even then I cannot load the new saves at all. It's not a disaster because I can revert to an older version of the Persistence file but I really need that screwdriver! Any thoughts? The edit was made in TextEdit on a Mac running OS10.10 Yosemite but I can't seem to see anything to suggest it is not in the correct code/font/language.
  13. Awesome - all may not be lost. I'll give that a go tomorrow!
  14. I have a vessel underway planning to get to the Jool system. It was launched with 5 LFO motors and a bunch of SRBs travelled to Minmus and was refuelled for the onward journey. My delta-v is starting to look a little bit tight for the trip so I thought about dumping the four outer motors to save on weight and just run a bit longer on the primary motor. I have the KAS/KIS mod installed. Can my Engineer detach the engine with her wrench or screwdriver that she has on board? I've set up a dummy tank and motor on the runway with a suitable equipped Engineer but I cannot seem to see how to interact with the engine. I'd rather not do too much persistent file editing if I can avoid it.
  15. You can set up template parts to model all of your base components with matched height docking ports then use a rover to move all the modules together. I set up a Minmus mining operation with about 6 modules but it was horrendously difficult to get the ports to dock properly. There is a version of the base that inspired mine called Kassandra (Its not called Kassandra!) that has long connectors between each module/habitat that might make it easier to assemble. The base craft files are on here somewhere complete with landers & boosters I think. In the end I installed KIS/KAS and had my engineer hook up a fuel line instead of trying to fly my tanker onto the docking port with RCS and thrusters. I'm about to decommission the base because it keeps suffering from spontaneous explosive deconstruction and replace it with a single module mining rig.
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