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Everything posted by CloudRipper

  1. I have figured it out. The docking alignment mod was apparently messing with my SAS functions. So if this thread could get closed by a mod please unless Im able to do it myself and don't know how
  2. Nothing wrong with that. Ill eventually learn myself of how to do it on my own. But until then Ill keep having mechjeb in a way help me to learn what all I do
  3. Alright thank you. I definitely plan to keep people updated on what happens with it. I know I want to be able for MechJeb to auto move to all of the maneuver nodes on its own for when I go to each planet and such
  4. No nothing naughty. Those are my other steam games so didn't think that they would be needed to be seen. Also didn't know there was a 'fine tune mode' though so Ill try and figure out if I did accidentally cause that. My newest mods are the camera and docking alignment system and before I got those, all of the SAS functions were working properly
  5. Im having an issue with my RCS ports not firing during any SAS function other than stability assist and nothing else. I have used several maneuver nodes and when I try to use the Maneuver SAS function, the RCS ports stabilize the ship and do nothing else. Stability assist shoots me past the maneuver node target repeatedly and Id like to be able to use the other functions again. It was working perfectly fine before I downloaded and added my two newest mods to the game. All of the mods I currently have are: MechJeb Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) Docking Port Alignment Indicator [Version 6.2] Station Science Im also including a picture with all of the mods showing
  6. It was figured out thanks to the awesome people in the chat room. But thank you anyhow for the help here as well
  7. I don't know if there has been a thread already created regarding this problem, and if there is then I would love to be shown it so I can figure out the problem and fix it. I have tried repeatedly to extract a few of the mods after downloading them using a free zip file opener and repeatedly get "Unable to extract files to current directory due to access limitation - please try a different directory" so I don't know if Im doing something wrong, or if its the opener I have. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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