Hi guys ! Awesome game ! I purchased the game recently and got to play a lot with it, visited some planets and moons, and became a pro at rendezvous (Back when using the early access alpha, i didn't understand rendezvous that much). Also, i don't like mods, so my experience is limited to the stock game. The new vector i'm proposing has to do with rendezvous, but has ulterior utilisations wich i may go into later. When doing a rendez-vous, on the final approach, corrections must be continually made by using RCS translation, to keep your prograde vector on top of the target vector. However, sometimes you forget to put RCS on your ship and you're dead in the water, mostly unable to dock (or rather, having great difficulty to do it.) Whenever docking with no RCS, i imagine a point that is in a position such that the target vector is in the middle between the prograde and the new (imaginary) vector, when navball is set to "target".When firing at that imaginary vector, the prograde vector is moved on top of the target vector and velocity to target increases, but i'm headed directly for the target ship without drifting to the side.Then, i turn around retrograde and match velocities on the last stretch, switch to the target evssel to rotate it facing a docking port towards my RCS-less ship and Voila - i'm docked. Problem is, there's a lot of guess work and my imaginary vector isn't actually shown on the navball. My suggestion is the implementation of this vector, and make it trackable by probe cores / "Fly-by-wire" hubs. Now on to Alternative uses : STOCK PARTS HOMING MISSILES !! <- I rest my case