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Everything posted by Mansen

  1. Quick and (I assume simple) question - I understand that Signal Delays are a thing if you're trying to do live commands. But why does it affect planned manoeuvres? Example: Planning a manoeuvre to complete a stable orbit Apoapsis - which will be outside of the range of KSC at the start of the game. Sometimes when I try to tell it to perform manoeuvre like this it throws a "delay too high" error. How do I get around this? Including a Flight Computer on the probe rocket didn't seem to help.
  2. AutoHotkey (Or a number of similar tools) should do the trick nicely.
  3. The concept of a rotating Torus like design seems very common in Sci-Fi (and Science Fantasy) - But vanilla KSP doesn't really have anything like it (without some clever use of manually attached and rotated parts) Are there any mods that add torus pieces that are modular? Or at least have several sizes to choose from? Just fuselages - I don't need any real functionality. I just want to create donut spaceships and stations. I've found one that does the job to some extent - "Nasa IXS Warp-ship", except the "core" of the torus is solid.
  4. Strictly speaking wouldn't that be Laythe? Aside from not being breathable, it is pretty similar to Kerbin. Aside from being mostly water.
  5. USI looks awesome - I'll go through all of the links and make a final list. Thanks everyone
  6. With all the buzz about Pluto as of late, I thought it could be fun to start my campaign over from scratch and try a new one focused around offworld colonies. Proper ones - Not just landed modules. I'm talking full on colonies with self sustainable oxygen, food and mining construction materials for repairs and small scale construction (Self restriction) Which mods do you think fit the envelope (And would work together?) I am very new to the modding scene, so I only know the basic few from watching people play it on Youtube.
  7. Reverse orbits... been there, done that. Thank god for the debug menu cheats at times so that it may fix my dumb mistakes learning the ropes.
  8. Oh! I thought it tried to simulate a real world satellite at least in 1x mode - Good to know!
  9. Oh so it just fakes the orientation when you're controlling the satellite? Good to know.
  10. Dumb question I'm sure - But how in the nine Dunas do you keep a sattelite aligned onto the surface? I've tried every maneuver on my OKTO Pod. I leave it for a few minutes and come back to the sattelite no longer scanning Mun. (250KM Orbit around the poles... I think? It's going straight vertically on the space sensors, crossing the cyan coloured biomes... yes I am that much of a KSP Newbie )
  11. Right - So I either need to scrap FAR for now, or try and adjust to its system instead of following Scott's videos (since they are using vanilla) Got any basic examples? Because this design works in vanilla. Edit: Looking at Quill's attempts at building planes since he's using the mod.
  12. I've been following Scott Manley's beginner guide series - Built a quick and dirty jet plane to recon the local area. It worked fine initially - Made it as far as across the water to the... West? of the Space Center. Speed forward a few hours - I install Quill18's list of suggested mods because I'm feeling a bit more adventurous (and most of them are interface mods anyway) and decide to pick up another recon contract. Now all of a sudden my airplane has no display of lift in the hangar (just the ball) and when I take off (if I even manage that) the plane flips out and tries its hardest to crash - completely different aerodynamics compared to earlier. So... did I manage to ruin the design somehow without noticing? (I've been moving parts around trying to find the issue) Or... Is it one of Quill's mods that have changed something that I'm not aware of? Plane design with no lift indicator https://www.dropbox.com/s/ln37l1nsih4ah3s/KSP_Plane_NoLift.jpg?dl=0 List of Quill's mods that I've installed (And made sure are in proper folders) http://i.imgur.com/DuzoYQg.jpg On a sidenote - I'm getting a warning that FlightIntegrator is only supported by 1.0 on startup (By UVA? I think), but I dismissed it thinking it was probably just a minor update to KSP difference.
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