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Everything posted by TheCivillian

  1. I love your mod. BTW do you know the deffinition of terrifying..... How about a 140 ton space plane doing 1400ms (3,355 miles an hour) Before even hitting the outer atmosphere :D. Think I need to work on my assent haha. [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=561403599[/url] On the ground ready for takeoff. [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=561403643[/url] 135 tons accelerating at an alarming speed. (Bob looks like he just did something nasty to show his view of the situation) [url]http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198010325397/screenshots/[/url] Into space....Hay Bob why the main engines not working........Doh forgot the fuel lines haha...oh well. One thing I have noticed. The Radiators dont seem to work with the new parts. Im having to really hold back with this ship/plane or else it just incinerates itself (1400ms in the atmosphere regardless of how many radiators i put on it lol) Oh and can we get two BIGGER wings. same style you have, one with the flap and one without. Would really help the part count. (Those wings REALLY don't like being offset into anything :( The big ones that is )
  2. Firstly great game, I've been hooked since I saw a you tube vid by Skystrom One thing I have noticed is at present we are really limited by the dreaded "Part count", Anything over 350-400 and my system struggles (550 is the absolute limit) And my system is no push over. So how to lower the part count without taking away the fun of creating stuff. LARGER PARTS well not all of them that would be silly. Bigger wing sections. You know the bits we use to make large wings, Well have a double sized version of all the wing bits. (ie: Swept wing but double length, Or 2 by 1 wing but at 4 by 2) I dunno about anyone else but this would knock about 60% of my part count off. Also larger fuel tanks. The MK2 fuel tanks as an example, you have a half version and a full version. How about a double length version. (Same with the mono propellant tanks and jet fuel tanks. Just simple things like that would help lower the part count significantly. I am aware the devs are porting over to unity 5 (Witch will take a fair amount of time) But I suspect sommin like the above would only take a day or so to do . Just my thoughts, See you in space (In on the ground in bits )
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