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    Curious George
  1. That is an awsome idea with the rover trucks, hmm I wonder if I can make a big enough truck to haul a refinery version of my mothership so I can convert depleted uranium and mine for feuls. The moon would make a very safe nuke test site
  2. Im just starting a space station/mothership, only have the first launch up, YES I got it up in one launch, you can tell by looking at it, wish I took pics of launching it (the lifter I used was way too time consuming and I didnt save it but maybe I'll launch another??) it was epic. So far it is a MASSIVE refeuling station with 2 labs, tons of science stuff, ISRU converter, 12 docking ports, and tons of solar panels batteries and lights, I have an extention in orbit on the way with a massive solar array with tons of batteries (yes it needs more power as it runs out on the dark side almost instantly lol) escape pods for 12 kerbals, and a fancy return ship, the orange lift rockets will come off when there empty (I used 12 of them asparagus staged to get the mothership into orbit)
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