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Everything posted by huntingpickel

  1. OOOH BOY! I can't contain my excitement!!!
  2. Wow. Hey bac9 and the b9 team, I just realized the time and effort that goes into modding, and my god does it seem difficult and time consuming. I've always wanted to lean how to code, but i just don't have the patience. You guys are talented af. Bravo. I'm so excited for the update!
  3. Yeah I agree with davidy12. We of course want it to be as awesome as it possibly can but we're just curious.
  4. From what I recall, I discovered KSP from one of Nerdcubed's videos (if you don't know who he is, look him up.) He did a video where he showed 7 free games and one of them was the early early KSP demo. This was probably back in late 2011 or maybe earlier. I downloaded the demo and I fell in love. Shortly thereafter, I bought the game. So I've been with the game for a REALLY long time.
  5. I installed Karbonite and Karbonite+ and attempted to edit my craft file in a way which filled the tanks with Karborundum because I don't know any better. (Karbonite being one of my all time favorite nods.)
  6. I can't contain my excitement for the updated version. I've been anxious for this ever since the 1.0 update of KSP. I'm amazed how much work and care is put into this mod and the sheer amount of content it adds to the game. Such a great mod.
  7. Right now I'm a freshman in high school. I will say it's a lot better than 8th grade and every junior or senior I ask always say the same thing: it gets better. And as the earlier posts said, school pretty much sucks no matter what, there's no getting around it. But for now, I think just talking about these things and playing KSP really does help me stay happy and relaxed. I'm glad I got all this crap off my chest and boy do I love this community to death.
  8. I successfully landed on the moon with a 4 drills and 5 tanks of karbonite on board. Now I'm trying to build a munar mining station in orbit.
  9. The aerodynamics have really made it easier for me to build planes from scratch. Where as before I would attempt to build a simple jet of sorts and immediately crash it on the runway without even moving it. It was a great improvement.
  10. Yeah I've always hated school but I think 8th grade was as bad as it could get which is amazing because 7th grade was really awesome for me.
  11. I hated 8th grade. I hated it to the point of severe anger and depression. Plus, I had a horrifying traumatic experience in the form of a nightmare. I will not describe it and don't ask me to. This on top of my severe depression really affected me both physically and emotionally. I was barely eating anything for the longest time and I felt like my life wasn't going anywhere and that nothing I did mattered. I, like many other victims of drpression even considered suicide. I didn't have any escape routes besides my computer, but even that wasn't solving the problem. I know a lot of people struggle with depression in the way I did. Up until I got the hell out of 8th grade, I was so damn miserable to the point of it being way too unhealthy for me. The point is my life sucked until summer came around. Finally when I discovered KSP and how fun it could be, I was so very happy. I just wanted to say thanks to the community for letting me channel my emotions into long ass paragraphs like this. I figured out the problem was I had too much time to think. I used to be really quiet in school but since I've been able to express my thoughts like this, my life has made a full 180. So if you're struggling with depression like I did, just bottle your emotions up and pour it all over the internet. (Not literally) At least this technique works for me. Anyway, I wanted the community and maybe even SQUAD to know that the video game community can change lives in ways that no one would ever be able to imagine. THANK YOU! Back the the daily grind of murdering innocent green creatures.
  12. WHY IS THE CONVERTER SO DAMN BIG? I know the real life counterpart to resource mining is very hard to make mobile but this isn't real life. Just make a smaller option for us Squad. Admittedly though, you can use Tweak Scale to make the converter and drill smaller but then the speed and efficiency is just nerfed. This is really my only complaint with the 1.0 version of KSP. Everything else is baically perfect.
  13. 1. KSP IS HARD KSP will cut your legs off and laugh as it watches you attempt to crawl away. KSP will crash when you're landing and only 1 meter from the surface of Eeloo. KSP is a brutal and unforgiving game and anyone that plays it needs to know that. 2. STRUTS Struts, struts, struts! When dealing with lots of big and heavy parts, struts are the branch that you grab onto before you hit the ground. (Quite literally!) Did you add struts? Good. Make sure to add struts! Once you add struts, make sure you add struts. Are you sure you added struts? Now go and strut your stuff pal. 3. POWER No matter what, you have to add a renewable source of power. You have many to choose from, like an RTG (Radio isotopic thermoelectric generator.) This is basically a rod thing that you stick on your craft and then BOOM! You got a seemingly infinite supply of power. (Although it doesn't charge very quickly.) Next there's a solar panel. This one's pretty straight forward. #1 rule of solar panels: DO NOT deploy them in the atmosphere unless you're 100% stationary. But you should do it anyway because it looks cool when they break apart. 4. MODS If your computer can handle it (mine certainly can't), mods can be extremely useful for not only cosmetic purposes, but practical ones too. If you're someone like me who has to make sure that I'm not forgetting anything, my struts are present, and the craft looks even the slightest bit presentable, than mods can be your friend. Mechjeb for example is an incredible mod which basically makes everything easier. If you don't know what it is, look it up. But even when I have an on board computer to calculate my trajectories, preform my orbital insertions, and make me tea, it can still be kind of difficult to go to other planets. I've landed on duna before, which was absolute torture by the way, and I think I even did it without Mechjeb. So even if you're the most utterly inept person when it comes to rocket science, mods aren't always necessary. If you're a total beginner though, Mechjeb is very good at doing the hard stuff for you and will allow to to more easily learn about the game without doing a bunch of studying before hand. If you're brain is completely bare of any sort of KSP knowledge, get Mechjeb. It will save your ass more times than you can count. 5. SPACEPLANES Spaceplanes are much easier to build and fly with the new 1.0 aerodynamics. For me, there are 3 crucial things to worry about when building a spaceplane: 1. Your plane needs to be aerodynamic. It needs to be able to cut through the air like a hot knife through butter. 2. You need fuel. This one isn't as important as the others because jet engines are so damn efficient. 3. YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE YOUR CENTER OF LIFT IS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO YOUR CENTER OF MASS. 666. OBEY THE KRAKEN Love the space kraken and all it provides us with. Doth must know that when he or she succeeds, the kraken flows forth it's positive energy throughout his or her reality. Obey the kraken. Love the kraken. Accept the kraken's actions no matter what. 7. ROVERS Rovers are very fun to drive, assuming you can figure out how to attach it to your space craft. If you DO somehow get on the surface of another planet or moon, get ready to flip it the .... over and watch the chaos unfold. Please excuse my vulgar language but rovers are a pain in the ass to build, test, and fly to other planets. You need some serious patience to transport these things. 8. DOCKING Docking sucks. It can be stressful as hell and anger the Almighty Space Kraken. If you're building a space station, you need a ton of of RCS and mono propellant. Getting close to another space craft can be relatively easy but when you're trying to dock, get ready for a world of hurt. 9. KSP IS FUN Well, at least it can be if you have the correct amound patience and control over you emotions. KSP for me is a great game to just sit back and play. It's relaxing in some ways and can put me in a good mood if I successfully land on another planet or something. KSP is the ultimate space sandbox and I truly love it to death. If you haven't bought it yet for whatever reason and are interested in space and orbital mechanics and flight, this is a perfect fit. If you want it, don't pirate it. Just buy it. It's worth it, trust me. I hope this helped any beginners out there and made it easier to understand the game. Also make sure to add struts. TLDR: KSP is hard, you need electricity, spaceplanes are kind if easy, rovers are really hard, docking is really hard, Obey The Kraken, KSP is fun, and mods are really cool. Oh and make sure to add struts.
  14. The first thing anybody who's playing KSP for the first time needs to know is this: KSP is an extremely difficult game. No matter what you do, who you are, or where you go, trial and error will always be hovering over you serving as a reminder of the difficulty. I myself am still struggling to get into orbit let alone land on another planetary body due to my impatience and perfectionism. My motto is "Do to learn. Don't learn to do."
  15. I forgot to add the main center engine to my asparagus stage. Made it kind of difficult to get into orbit with a missing engine.
  16. I crashed the game about 9 times trying to play with like 20 mods loaded. Just trying to get into orbit is a nightmare. I think FASA is causing the problem which sucks because it's such a great parts pack. The mod in question: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/27/FASA
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