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  1. I had the exact same issue. Changing the cfg file according to this post fixed that problem and decoupling now works perfectly!
  2. I just discovered ten minutes ago I have the same issue. Main ship doesn't decouple but the landing module inside does. Tried different fuel tanks, I pressed every available option in right click menu, tried action groups, tried decoupling with shroud both open and closed. Nothing works.
  3. Oh damn, so it was something trivial after all. Oddly enough, the heavy struts weights were listed as N/A. But it sure solved my problem! Thank you very much for the quick reply!
  4. Greetings fellow kerbonauts! So when planning on building a base on Duna, I decided on rovers to transport the different sections around. During the design process of this rover I discovered something weird: A tiny rover weighs more than a big rover with more parts. Almost twice as much on top of that. I don't know if this is something weird with KSP or if I'm missing something trivial, but I'm attaching images and .craft files if anyone's interested. So as you can see, this rover weighs almost five tons, much more than this one which only weights slightly under three tons. Big rover craft file Tiny rover craft file
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