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Everything posted by Angoulor

  1. Hello! This is my first post, and I'll post about... a "bug". Or is it a "feature"? I've got plenty of mods installed, and I started a new career... Played for quite a few hours... (My life is fascinating, isn't it?) and encountered a bug when I unlocked the launching clamps. The TT18-A Stability Enhancer acts very weird when the mod is installed : it sticks to the vessel, doesn't appear in the staging, so, when I try to take-off, I just get stuck on the launchpad... This is how the Stability Enhancer works WITHOUT the mod installed : http://prntscr.com/7agrei This is how it works WITH the mod installed :http://prntscr.com/7agv3m As you can see, WITH the mod, the stability enhancer seems to float in air in the VAB. When I hit launch, the vessel touches the ground, the stability enhancer is partially in the ground, I cannot "decouple" from it (see how it isn't in the staging sequence?), and I'm stuck. Anyone had this issue before? Is this a new issue?
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