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    Curious George
  1. I figured it out. The answer was actually obvious but I'll post it in case some else has the issue. I Cleared the mapping for my Xbox 360 controller and the issue stopped. I'm guessing the roll axis was very slightly out of calibration. Not enough to be noticed in any other game than this. But just subtle enough to be very annoying.
  2. I am new to v1.0 and finding this problem infuriating. I am still building basic rockets in career mode but find that very quickly after taking off the vessel begins to spin laterally, like a bullet (in an anti-clockwise direction). On the next stage, the spinning rapidly increase as the weight of the vessel decreases. I am constantly having the compensate by rolling clockwise, irrespective of whether SAS is on. I have taken great pains to ensure the ship is built symmetrically and can't understand why this is happening. I even went back to the tutorial and found the default vessel used starts to spin anti-clockwise as well. Surely the game can't be designed to work like this?
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