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Everything posted by Quantum_Matter

  1. Wow I'm absolutely in love with you. You helped me solve this. It's so fun to play ksp again xD <3. Dude seriously, thanks so much.
  2. I'm getting so fed up with this game I'm about to quit just because of this. I simply want to get this rocket into orbit but It's just impossible. First, when I try to get into an equatorial orbit, it starts veering south etc. When trying to get into a polar orbit it starts veering east. Also, it gets affected by aerodynamic forces like crazy. I even tried adding a second huge reaction wheel, guess what it did: NOTHING. Here's the craft file. If anyone knows why it's SO DAMN hard to control this, I'll love you forever. Thanks. CRAFT FILE: http://www.filedropper.com/showdownload.php/qstoss PS: The craft is called [QST] O_S_S
  3. I heavily doubt that as it's not like I'm gradually turning that way, but it's as if suddenly some fast wind hit my craft from the other side and made it hard to control.
  4. So I'm having a problem with a rocket I recently build, trying to get a multi-purpose satellite into orbit. Important: It is a polar orbit, so on launch I follow the "north" marker on the navball. Craft File: http://www.filedropper.com/showdownload.php/qstoss Whatever I try, it always starts turning to the navball left even more while time passes. Maybe it's because the boosters are put there using symmetry x3, and they interact with the airflow strangly? O = booster # = air U = main fuel tank north ##O OU# east ##O south That would be the top view of the rocket. get what I mean? since I'm pitching north, maybe it causes the craft to turn because it hits the northmost booster first? Thanks for your responses.
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