Currently the scheme for maneuvers works well for bodies that are close-by (like moons), but it's a real headache to get to or from distant planetary bodies because of the scale and zoom involved. There is no numerical control over angles, or any assistance for finding - or even applying - optimum trajectories (e.g. can be easily used. I can't help but think that the scheme for doing all of this would benefit enormously from a conceptual overhaul. At a minimum, the ability to see an overview of the solar system WHILE editing maneuvers would help. Zooming in-and-out constantly to, say, change the location of the maneuver along an orbit is difficult and just plain bad UI compared to what is possible. Suggestion: a "picture-inside-picture" view zoomed in on the encounter when one appears would help enormously with a minimum of changes, while eliminating the need to zoom in and out so much. This would be an interim fix, but a lot more could be done to improve the "big picture" view of interplanetary travel. I propose starting a discussion about ways to accomplish better controls for interplanetary-scale transfers and ease of accomplishing maneuvers with more precision. This forum is brimming with stuff, so sadly I'm afraid this may be drowned out quickly, but I wasn't able to find another thread referencing this issue, and I feel that it's in serious need of improvement.