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    Spacecraft Engineer
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  1. This was supposed to be easy. It was not. Some things that went wrong: Docking ports destroy the ship when undocked. Unless you do it while time warping, then they only add 500dV to one side.. My lander somehow had yaw controls reversed. Had to land without SAS and make the rendezvous using the unwieldy return stage. Orbits keep changing when not in time warp, rendezvous was difficult. Trajectory when returning from Duna did not work at all. Had to exit Duna SoI before setting up the Kerbin encounter. Full vidio is available here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1748896188
  2. Well according to wikipedia: moon is 0.1% water. moon mass is in the order of 10^22 kg, starship has in the order of 10^6 kg fuel. so we can only fuel it 10^12 times with water from the moon.
  3. Was just thinking if a 18m next gen starship could have artificial gravity? According to this chart is could be possible:
  4. HYPE!!! When does the beta start and where do I sign up?? I need to go stream KSP now!
  5. Alpha, beta, gamma, proton and neutron, are five out of those three right?
  6. If one of the second stage engines got damaged during irst stage separation, that could cause the tilting and the shutdown of remaining second stage engines. I assume that soyuz does not have engine out capability.
  7. It said that the second stage engine did a emergency shutdown. So the rocket must have been in free fall during the separation. Thou I assume that a fully fulled center core that is on the same ballistic tragectory as the capsule can pose some danger to the crew. But the parachutes should make the capsule land some distance from the inferno where the booster lands. EDIT: With fully fulled center core I mean with whatever fuel is left after side booster separation...
  8. The second stage is the center booster right?
  9. I always thought that black holes could be viewed as a big nucleon, in the same way as a netron star could be described as a big atom.
  10. Well you would have little more than a billion km3 of water to get rid off. Anyone thirsty?
  11. It looks like the "wings" can move. If they can tilt a lot it could, together with the top fin, make ship fairly stable reentering belly first. Could it be that the entire engine segment is movable? So that they can slide it deeper into the body? That would move CoM, something that would simplify the flipping maneuver. and it could also make the skirt around the engine act as a vacuum nozzle (not sure that could work)
  12. Doing that in a reasonable dV efficient way would mean 100+ years travel time from Uranus to Pluto. We are talking about planets with orbital periods of 84 and 250 years here...
  13. Fuel cost is not significant. It is less than 1% of launch cost
  14. probably easier to launch a bunch of tanks with Hypergolic fuel into mars orbit and use that for landing/return Even a falcon heavy could put close to 10 tons of fuel in mars orbit.
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