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    Curious George

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  1. First thing to try... Open Steam and Right Click on Kerbal Space Program. Select Properties from the menu. Select the Local Files tab from the dialog that appeared in the previous step. Now click on Verify Integrity of Game Files. This will check what has been installed and make sure everything installed correctly. You can do this for all games registered on Steam. If that doesn't work, try uninstalling the game from the same menu then re-installing. Did you install this while at school. if so, you may have run into some blocking software the school is running.
  2. From the looks of it, you have just undocked from what appears to be a station. Make sure that the craft you are in control off is the active craft. Regards Brad
  3. Go to the graphics settings and turn of the water effects as they chew a fair bit of RAM. Drop your textures down to about half size as well. Both of these and the openGL switch dropped my RAM usage from 3.4G down to 2.4G before I loaded another dozen or so mods. Regards Brad
  4. Is it a sandbox game or a career game? If it's a sandbox game they should be there but if it's a career game, you may need to research the technologies before you get the parts... Regards Brad
  5. Tweakscale may be the problem. Remove it and make sure you have the latest version to replace it. See this thread for more details... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/115431-strange-gamebreaking-graphical-bug-in-vab-and-sph/#comment-2051675 Regards Brad
  6. There may be a setting in your BIOS to turn the throttling off. Check the documentation you got with your PC or Motherboard. Regards Brad
  7. I had a similar problem when I went from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5. Check your graphics settings and turn off the water effects. This will reduce the memory taken by the game during loading. I also dropped my texture level to medium rather than High. Both of these gave me an extra Gig rather than barely allowing 1 flight. Regards Brad
  8. I used the -force-opengl option and tried the DirectX one. I still only got the one flight before I had the game fall over due to lack of memory. My solution was to check to graphics settings for the game. I turned OFF the option to show any water effects (especially underwater ones) and lowered the resolution to medium and suddenly I had a Gig of free RAM when first starting the game instead of only a couple of hundred Megs. Went from about 3650000k down to about 2630000k according to the process tab in Windows Task Manager That's with 3854 patches loaded over 103 different mods. Regards Brad
  9. I don't know about bringing the old game in... For the problem with selecting your craft, try the Targetron mod by hashashin. It places a list (which can be minimised) on screen while flying. You can use this to select the craft you want to target or fly. Regards Brad
  10. First of all, go to this site and download CKAN. It will make installing and updating modules so much easier. https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki Read the user guide and follow it's instructions. I installed the file in my main KSP directory and created a link on the desktop to run it. Now go to the GameData folder in your KSP directory and MOVE almost every directory AND file to a spare directory elsewhere. Make sure to leave the SQUAD directory and it's contents in the KSP GameData directory. Now Start CKAN and after you point it to the KSP files, it will automatically get a list of available mods for you. It will only ask for the game files the first time you run it. Click on the Filter button (Magnifying Glass) and select Compatible from the list. Scroll down the list until you find MechJeb 2 and click on the box in front of it to select it. I also recommend 'MechJeb and Engineer for all!' as well as 'Menu Stabilizer' which help with things in flight. Next, click on the Apply Changes button and CKAN will take care of downloading and installing everything without causing you any frustration. Make sure to select any other mods that you had installed to get them installed under CKAN as well. I normally run CKAN once before I begin playing just to make sure that all my mods are up to date. Regards Brad
  11. There is quite likely a bit of difference between the two. The 55" is less than a year old and the 27" is about 4 or 5 years old. Besides the age of the, I sit far closer to the 27" and pick up on the pixels better than sitting 2 meters back (when I'm gaming) from the 55". The 55" is also capable of a 200MHz refresh rate while the 27" is lucky to hit 100MHz. I will have to try and change the resolution in the settings.cfg file and see what it looks like then. Regards Brad
  12. Are there any plans to upgrade the video resolution for those who are lucky enough to have a 4K display? When KSP first went live, the highest resolution displays available were 1920x1080 unless you had enough cash to get a fancy 3860x2160 professional monitor. Nowadays 4K monitors and graphics cards are getting cheaper and cheaper, not to mention the 4K TV's that all support connection to a PC/Laptop/Mac. I run a 27" 1080 monitor and also connect to a 55" 4K TV and even at 1080p the 55" has a better picture for playing KSP (and other games). It really allows you to get up close to the action when flying a space plane or rocket. Regards Brad
  13. I have the same problem... Had contracts to select plus a couple of active contracts when I saved and exited the game. Added some new mods using CKAN and restarted the game. Active contracts had gone but still had contracts to select although they were different from before. Again saved and exited the game and added some more mods including some contract packs and the associated mods. Restart again and no contracts at all. Anyone have any ideas. Regards
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