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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I recently switched to 1.03 and when i switch to a station orbiting minmus 1 of the the 4 radial lights explode O.o. The is no open servicebay, no solarpanel clipping or a atmosphere infering. Can someone tell me what it is? http://imgur.com/4R9bBfw (the small girder you see is where the light was attached and it seems 1 of the girders also exploded) I know its not a very big issue, but i hope to prevent it from happening to other parts
  2. I thought wouldnt be possible, but there were ppl that said it was possible... I hope there exists one, because i really wanted to use spaceplanes to add tanks to my spacestations in the kerbin system. Hey, what if the tanks were empty (except for a bit of RCS), would that be possible? Because im going to make a fuel transfersystem from the surface of minmus to minmus orbit, so my spacestation is always full. So i dont need the fuel to get there, just the tanks.... EDIT: if i make a REALLY big one, so that the mass percentage of my payload goes down, would it then be possible or would the partcount be a problem then?
  3. Landing legs can absorb more then some of the impact. I once made a long ionbased mission to minmus (planethopping) for science and n reentry i realize i had no parachutes... So i put up my landinglegs and hoped for the best. Only ONE of the landinglegs broke due to landing on all legs simultaneously, the rest of the craft including the kerbal on board was intact. Landinglegs are op as hell.
  4. U sure this thing can go to minmus? It doesnt look like it can...but maybe im wrong. I want to make one that has some more room for error so im sure i can land back on the runway.
  5. Can someone show me a reusable spaceplane SSTO which can bring an orangetank + largestRCStank + dockingport + some other small parts, to orbit of minmus. I need some inspiration...
  6. Also a tip: only use liquid only tanks, because for some reason it works a crapton better then depleting normal tanks from oxidizer. if you use that, the lv-N becomes better then the terrier at a lower mass. Ppl always say you need heavy crafts for the lv-N to be useful, but i made a pretty small probe using the short mk2 liquidfuel tank that was more efficient than with a terrier
  7. Sorry, but the tooltip in the SPH says that those engines are not getting any oxidizer. Is it a bug that it says this or am i right? (Not playin KSP when typing this, so cant test now)
  8. Havent thought about the diving yet, ill try that. http://imgur.com/DCrVsVU,VUYBz6a,lppg8BS,541peg0,XRIcFE4 Think this is good enough, or is it too draggy/needs more thrust? - - - Updated - - - A rocket SSTO doesnt have multiple stages, otherwise it isnt a SSTO... Rocket SSTO's mostly use a crapton of parachutes to get back on kerbin as a whole.
  9. Sorry, i should have said it, but im not looking for a rocket SSTO, because i really dont like them :/. So to be clear im looking for 1 or 2 reusable spaceplane SSTO's which can go to kerbin and minmus respectively (it doesnt need to be able to land on minmus)
  10. I build something similar with 2 engines extra and it doesnt have enough twr :/. The twr is about 0.7 and the speed decreases slowly under a 20 degree ascend. I dont think your plane has that problem?
  11. Yeah i know i need to plan the station, but i already have 2 of the same stations in orbit of kerbin and the mun like i said. I want to fill the predesignated dockingports (which i set up on the space stations) with the tanks so other crafts can refuel, not just the station (the station will be there forever). The reason im doing this is because i want some fuelcapacity on the station so i can transfer fuel from my miningrover to my station (to keep it full) - - - Updated - - - Yeah looks nice, but for some reason i always end up not having enough fuel or thrust,m even with 6 rapiers... (i used LV-N, but those dont have enough thrust and rapiers use a lot of Lf/O). Can you give me your ascend profile and some fueldata?
  12. I have a station around kerbin (equatorial) and the mun (polar) and i want to build one around minmus, but i have trouble refuelling. Can someone give me some inspiration (only pics, no craftfiles) to make a reusable spaceplane SSTO to transfer this to LKO and/or minmus: -Jumbo fueltank -Largest RCS-tank -HECS probe-core -A few RCS ports -2 1x6 solarpanels -A docking port PS and what kind of orbit should i choose for the station around minmus, because equatorial has the advantage that it can better sustain interplanetary refuelling, but with polar orbit i can use my miningrover anywhere.
  13. Im not going to add any more mods, because i wanted to keep it as much vanilla as possible, if run into 2 much lag ill consider the reinforced joint, but for now im good. I consider my question answered ^^
  14. It isnt really bending, the most trouble i have is with the drag from the wheels. I think i fixed a lot of my problems with the extra control surfaces as i showed on my lifter. If this lifter doesnt work (getting past +-15000, after that its easypeasy) then ill use the "boosters on the side of the rover"-design. I think ill work it out from here. PS does anyone know of a way to reduce partcount lag, because i started to encounter it for a tiny tad now. - - - Updated - - - @Marvin im not doing it for a contract, more for a mobile mining rig that can produce fuel and science to transfer to my refueling station. Even if i wanted i have no contracts that pay me that much (dunno how you got the rewards so high?)
  15. This is my new lifter, havent tried it out in full, but its reasonably hard to control. http://imgur.com/YN9r07I Ill probably add SRB's if i dont have enough Dv. I am familiar with KSP(centre of mass on the top and drag on the bottom), i like to have some room for error and a not too hard to control rocket. You guys think this rocket can take it to mun/minmus or shall i put the lifter on the sides of the rover? - - - Updated - - - Y no nosecones? I thought flat surfaces increase the drag really dramatic? Or is this made pre-1.0 - - - Updated - - - I already thought of the late turn and im not really on a tight budget, but i want to keep the cost for the lifter as low a possible, because the rover was pretty expensive.
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