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De4tht1de OnTwitch

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Everything posted by De4tht1de OnTwitch

  1. I am not looking for any recognition. I have just fell in love with the game and I wanted to try and give back to the community that I have only begun to explore. I see so much promise for fun in this game, I am going to continue to keep putting little projects like this together. I am also doing this without "help". I just wanted to see where trial and error would take me. After seeing the couple pictures in this thread of some other ideas/parts, it has me excited because I know there is more innovation on the horizon. I just want to thank you guys for being apart of this community because we all know this game wouldn't be half as fun without the great people that play it.
  2. I am embarrassed to say but I built the ramp out of parts from my career mode. I haven't started a sandbox yet because I wanted to play through the career mode a bit... so I didn't have every part at my disposal. I am sure there will be better designs on the horizon as I get all the parts. Also, does this ramp work in 0g?
  3. Hey everyone, I have been toying with this design for a little bit and finally have it where I feel comfortable making it available. Launch Ramp Explanation Video : https://youtu.be/-DtsU3XNu9M Quick Video :https://youtu.be/Jt6hPoOM6Tk Build File : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8xwDWP6L8uBfmdOSWhTTE8tVnFwZWpUZkhOVnNRMUMtQ1lGNHc0a0VqT3A1THpHdTNvdnM&usp=sharing
  4. So far I have added a lot more weight to the rig to test this and the air brakes are working brilliantly. The limiting factor will be the casing around the drum. This of course could be easily additionally reinforced and another airbrake added for mega lifting purposes.
  5. Hey everyone. I built two systems that I wanted to share. I built a rail system for moving equipment and I built a ramp for deploying/retrieving equipment. Both are built from stock KSP parts and require no mods. Check out the videos below. HeavyRail Quick Video: https://youtu.be/_IR8TRRQFDU Usage Video: https://youtu.be/4ihYzC6aJ3o Build File Download: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8xwDWP6L8uBfmdOSWhTTE8tVnFwZWpUZkhOVnNRMUMtQ1lGNHc0a0VqT3A1THpHdTNvdnM&usp=sharing HeavyRamp Quick Video: https://youtu.be/3Wizd8tslno Usage Video: https://youtu.be/8Hj7cHR9BtE Build File Download: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8xwDWP6L8uBfmdOSWhTTE8tVnFwZWpUZkhOVnNRMUMtQ1lGNHc0a0VqT3A1THpHdTNvdnM&usp=sharing
  6. This is a crash that happens while just testing things out. I think it is a rather minor issue and you would have to go out of your way to repeat it, but I wanted to report it regardless since it happened 2 times in a row. I will look into the stickies as suggested.
  7. Hello everyone, To the best of my kerbal level intelligence, I don't know where to post a repeatable crash report on the site (unmodded). Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
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