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Everything posted by Phanixis

  1. Sounds good. Although if I have to do it for each experiment (such a thermometer, barometer, goo pod, etc.) this process is going to be rather tedious. It may be best just to send the whole craft back to Kerbin.
  2. If I build a specialized Mun Lander that lands on Mun, takes a bunch of science data (science junior, goo, surface samples, etc) and then attaches to a command pod in orbit, is there a way to transfer the science to the command pod and discard the lander and all of its equipment? I am wondering if trying to do a Mun mission Apollo style is even worth it. Thanks for the help.
  3. I have launched no less than three satellites from spaceplane and I have put the first one in orbit of Mun. I have satisfied all the parameters of my contracts save get into orbit within the specified parameters, but my satellite orbit is practically sitting on top of the desired orbit with both the apoapsis and periapsis on the same points and virtually zero angle between the two orbital plane, but the game will still not award me the contract. Its getting to the point where my burns are less than 1 second on minimum thrust. How precise does this game expect me to get these satellites? Thanks for the help.
  4. I am suffering from the most maddening problem. I have a spaceplane in career mode that flies amazingly well, but when I get in orbit to use it to launch my mun rocket, the cargo gets stuck in the hold. This is despite using a radial decoupler to force the cargo outward. I have even equipped the rocket with an RCS system to directly thrust away from the cargo hold to no avail. The really odd thing is that once the cargo is decoupled, it will slide back and forth along the cargo hold, but it will never slide out, almost as if it was tied to the cargo hold with a pair of rails. Even firing the main engine will not work, the rocket will actually drag the space plane along with it. Any idea what is going wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. I have discovered a new problem with KSP. I recently built a ship composed of an empty command pod, drone core, avionics fly-by-wire hub, advanced inline stabilizer, RCS thrusters, two rechargeable batteries, two solar panels, some parachutes a spark engine and a fuel tank. This ship gets launched from a space plane and then is used to retrieve stranded Kerbal for career mode contract missions. The ship would work great if it weren't for the fact the the SAS head lock is flaking out. Whenever I set a heading, the spacecraft points almost in the direction of the heading, but with a slight offset. It then starts vibrating as it seems the SAS is trying to pull it the rest of the way to the heading and something else is pooling it back. This as the consequence of both making calculated burns inaccurated an rapidly draining battery power. If it weren't for the solar panels, I think the SAS would drain spacecraft stored power in the space of a minute. If RCS is enabled, it will similarly waste all of the crafts mono propellant. This problems takes a spacecraft that is specialized in orbital rendezvous maneuvers and supposed to make them painless and makes all orbital maneuvers needlessly complicated. Does anyone know what is going on here? Why is the SAS behaving this way? Thanks for the help.
  6. I am trying to launch a subassembly from a spaceplane bay and I want to make a radial decoupler on the side of the subassembly the root part, so I can just load the subassembly and snap it to the bottom of the space plane bay. But I can never select the radial decoupler as the second root part, only the first root part, and the second root part is the only one that seems to connect the subassembly to the rest of the ship (I have no idea why there are two root parts, only the second selection seems to do anything). Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  7. I recently perfected the Phoenix Spaceplane, a career mode SSTO for getting things into LKO. Because I don't have most of the tech unlocked yet, it just uses parts made available from high altitude flight plus some additional low tech stuff. I used it to launch a manned rocket for a Minmus Flyby contract mission. The Phoenix Space Plane Plane during ascent, just hold the nose at 20 degrees until it exits the atmosphere. Phoenix launching its payload. Payload is away. How the spaceplane gets its name. I miscalculated the landing trajectory and ended up in the desert. Still landed safely though. Payload makes it to Minmus. This plane is cheap, handles easily and can get reasonable sized payloads to orbit. It does wonders for the career mode budget.
  8. This is a problem I have been having. I place a small rocket within a Mk2 spaceplane cargo hold. The rocket is attached to either the front or back of said hold using an in-line decoupler. When I fire of the decoupler, the rocket simple shifts to the back end (or front end if the decoupler was placed in the rear) and promptly gets stuck there. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a good fix for it? Thanks.
  9. I never even noticed the subassemblies tab. Too many things in this game or either hidden or not obvious. This is much more elegant than merging ships, but unfortunately succumbs to almost the same problems. I can again only attach the subassembly by either the nose or the tail. If I attempt to set new roots so I can attach it to radial decouplers, this time I am informed that it is not a valid subassembly.
  10. This almost works. I set the root part to the section of the rocket I want to attached, and now I can correctly attach the rocket to the radial decoupler on top of the spaceplane, but now the command pod comes off of the rocket when I merge it. It is almost like the program is still trying to grab the rocket by the command pod when it first loads the part and then realizes it is no longer the root part, removing it from the rest of the rocket. And once removed, it can no longer be reattached to the subassembly, rendering the whole subassembly worthless. I tried making the command pod one of the two root parts but then it goes right back to attaching only to the command pod again. Its a real pain in the rear. Any idea how to work around this problem? Thanks.
  11. I want to attached a small rocket to a spaceplane using radial decomplers to place the rocket on top of the spaceplane. Both the rocket and spaceplane designs are already completed. After loading the spaceplane in the hanger, I add the rocket by using the merge function. However, I am only allowed to attach the nose of the rocket to the spaceplane, no other parts of the rocket will make attachments no matter what I do. How do I get the program to allow me to attach the side of the rocket to the spaceplane's radial decouplers, rather than the nose? Thanks for the help.
  12. Ok, here is the situation. I have designed the following spaceplane: The spaceplane is carrying a Mun lander on the top. The spaceplane is supposed to fly out of the atmosphere, disconnect from the Mun lander, and re-enter atmosphere while the Mun lander burns to enter orbit. The problem is, the spaceplane takes its rocket fuel from the tanks on the Mun lander before using its own rocket fuel. This is despite the fact that the Mun Lander is connected only by a radial decoupler and a pair of struts. How do I stop my spaceplane from siphoning fuel from the Mun lander? Thanks for the help.
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