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Everything posted by baldwita

  1. Does it seem like the issue is caused by some compression issue with the stock textures, or is it an issue with the program not properly mapping the textures to the terrain model? If I replace the stock terrain textures, would that correct this issue, or would I need to find a mod/fix that actually effects the way that the game is mapping/loading the textures? If it is related directly to the textures themselves artifacting, I found a forum post from a user who was experiencing issues with artifacting textures in 1.0 on stock spacecraft parts that may help? Sorry if it's unrelated: forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118525-Compression-artifacts-on-1-0-textures
  2. Thanks for the quick replies! What would you suggest for modding this issue out?
  3. Started playing KSP after a long time away and noticed while over Kerbin's pole that the "beach" is all jagged and pixellated. I think the same error is also happening on all other landmasses where they touch the sea, but for some reason it's very visible/noticeable at the poles. This seems like it could be something that has been fixed for other people before, but I just don't know the exact terminology of the issue and am not searching for the right terms to find previous cases of this issue. LINK TO A FEW PICS. Look at where the ice touches the water. So far, I've done the following to no effect: Reinstalled the game and allowed it to re-create settings.cfg on its own Started a new save file (which is when I took the pic above) Tried some basic graphic settings changes (such as dis/re-enabling AA, disabling PPFX, changing texture resolution, etc.). Haven't tried everything, though. Tried forcing OpenGL Made sure all of my drivers are up to date Specs: Steam Install Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit AMD FX 6300 Radeon 7870 2GB Help is much appreciated - thanks.
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