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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thank you, everyone, for excellent advices. Some of them work already now... to a point
  2. OK, can you suggest where should I walk to ? I like first-person shooters. As a matter of fact, I spent thousands of hours on Team Fortress 2. I like the infinite and immediate freedom to do things in it. I suppose I feel too restricted by the prescribed ways of doing things in KSP. So, I bought "Take on Mars". It looks more like my thing. I am waiting until it leaves the Early Access stage this month or soon thereafter.
  3. Mmm... maybe I should learn the basic game before I move onto mods ? When I got this game a while ago, I wanted to make an anti-satellite kinetic kill weapon, and deploy it against a satellite. Can I do it ? (I must confess my motivation is low now, and I am not that interested to do it now.)
  4. Thanks, "holding hand" and mentoring is what I need at this stage.
  5. I heard so much good about KSP, so that I bought it. On paper, the game was going to unleash my creative juices. However, I found the game boring. There are so many things to learn ("steep learning curve"), yet what I was doing was routine. This made me quickly bored. I downloaded the tutorials "for beginners" and followed the instructions to fire the pre-designed rockets. This was boring, too. I did not understand why was this or that thing designed, and I had no motivation to learn them -- too many elements many of which were of no interest to me ! But I desperately want to love this game. Please tell me what steps should I undertake, so that I could start enjoying this game.
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