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Everything posted by nickifr

  1. Since there only seems to be a single entry on the leaderboard as of now, I decided to have a go at this myself. I decided to go with a falcon-9-style rocket. As payload I used a few empty ore tanks, together exactly 1000kg. So here are the stats: Mass of payload: 1.000kg Cost of payload: 2.188 funds Cost of transfer stage: 2.679 funds Cost of filled booster stage: 40.576 funds Value of empty, landed booster (assuming empty tanks): 37.862 funds Calculation (payload not included; Booster recovered with empty tanks): 2679+40576-37862=5393 This means the payload delivery cost for this rocket is: 5.393 funds/ton Now to the screenshots: Here are the two full imgur albums: VAB, Flight documentation If you don't want to use them, here are some individual pictures since the imgur album embed is broken once again: VAB views: Screenshots of the flight: According to the challenge rules you only have to intercept jool, not orbit it, so that's all I did here. Doesn't seems as clean to do as performing a proper orbit, but I completed the challenge. I guess there are still a few possibilities to reduce the cost/ton here. You could for example use a cheaper probe core (but loose reaction wheels), remove a few struts (but loose launch stability), have a bit less fuel in the upper stage (but reduce safety margins), ditch the battery (but risk probe blackout) or use a cheaper engine on upper stage (but reduce time you have left to land the booster). Definitely happy with this design, though. Or, if you're really insane, you could do a BFR-type rocket, basically using a recoverable booster stage to get you to orbit, then transport the payload to jool with the second stage which you also return to kerbin. Uuh, maybe not.
  2. I improved the rocket I submitted before (L.C.T.O. #04): I replaced the first stage with a jet engine that brings me up to about 10.000m and kept the upper stage for reaching orbit from that point. It worked out quite well, even though the fuel of the upper stage nearly ran out while reaching orbit. I could proabably have removed some fuel from the first stage, though. I call this rocket the "L.C.T.O. #06" (Yes, the name is not very creative but I think it's ok) and it has a mass of 1.260t.
  3. I also made a light rocket able to get into orbit. It has a mass of 1.850t and is named "L.C.T.O. #04" (Light Craft to Orbit, attempt 4). I also had some fuel left in the end so I could proabably have removed a bit of fuel to reduce the mass, but I think it's ok this way. I also partially clipped the batteries into the craft.
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