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o Atomsk

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Other photos of the launch in other parts of the location/world: http://www.dosado.photography/
  2. i have this problem, but since i read very quickly and devour reading materials voraciously, i have done something that far exceeds browsing a used book store. i've gone to packages with 200+ recommended sci-fi books and downloaded them all onto my iPad. i carry around with me a digital library that is expanding to nearly a gigabyte and a half.
  3. for rockets, i use alchemy processes. for planes, i use alchemy elements. the rocket that i find that is my best design i name the philosopher's stone. proceeding those, i end up just making versions. on sillier, more experimental days, i name them after memes.
  4. Path of Exile is always fun and great way to make friends. There's Warframe, which is free and FPS related.
  5. it was beautiful where i was, almost like raining magic. it was like this. one of the better meteor showers of the year. not as cool as watching the aurora borealis, though.
  6. they held a neat AMA on reddit about 9 months ago that answers a lot of these questions. edit: oops, didn't notice this had 29 pages, disregard!
  7. As the title states, I've been watching Mr. Robot and absolutely love the show. For anyone who hasn't heard of the show yet, here is an IMDB summary: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4158110/ It's extremely entertaining and accurate when it comes to the underground hacking world (from my own experience, as well as other anecdotes). Are there any shows any of you watching that you really enjoy?
  8. This kind of feels like a question similar to a pre-game of Age of Empires or Civilization V. If I could land anywhere on Earth with data already in store, then... I'm not sure. It all really depends on what time period? Is this when Pangaea is still a thing? If I land somewhere, will a T-Rex eat half my ship? Will I end up plopping down in North America during the Mesopotamian era? Naturally if there's dinos down there then I'd nope right off the planet. I've seen enough Jurassic Park movies to figure I'd be helpless. If we are talking about no humans whatsoever, and the entire land is untouched... I don't know where I would go. Probably China, because the ecosystem and the terrain is so breathtakingly beautiful and unique to the rest of the world (in my humble opinion).
  9. I'm confused by the word "dying". Could it be that energy production that happened 2 billion years ago was from huge stars with giant fusion capacity that lasted less than a couple billion years and that now the majority of stars that exist today are simple boring main-sequence stars like our sun which might burn hydrogen for 8 billion years or so? For some reason, I feel dying is such a sentient being concept. It's more like "changing", possibly? Not that we have the reaches or technology to really expand on it yet.
  10. Whenever I think of space food, I always think of that lobster that was left in the fridge too long in Cowboy Bebop.
  11. Even if it would be impractical, I would love to have a base on Callisto, or at least an orbiting station by Callisto. It's such a beautiful moon.
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