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cup a joe

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Everything posted by cup a joe

  1. So MechJeb is not turning my rocket no matter how high I allow its angle of attack to be. I have reset all settings to default, please help. When it begins executing a gravity turn, it lights up green as if it is turning it to the max but nothing happens, and I checked, the ship turns and can even make it to orbit just fine so it is a problem with mech jeb. The reaction wheels on the comman pod say idle, I turned rcs on no indication of it working
  2. using the whiplash flies a lot better than expected
  3. Thank you! Yes for this behemoth I would have it on afterburner only. I'm going with the Whiplash. Thank you! Yes for this behemoth I would have it on afterburner only. I'm going with the Whiplash but will try the Panther as well. Now how do I mark you, (Cantab) as the person who answered my question
  4. I'm sure this has been asked but I cannot seem to find a thread on it. Which is better the J-X4 Whiplash or J-404 Panther (on wet/afterburn mode)? I am asking in regards to thrust first, efficiency second, and any other differences. By looking at the information I don't see any difference but I want to make sure. I'm making an SR-71-esque plane
  5. I have decided that this is one of those times I will use mechjeb (which I have sworn to myself to use only when absolutely necessary) thank you
  6. Tried that, nope - - - Updated - - - I'm gonna try hyper edit and I looked up how to edit a save file but I'm worried it may be dated, for now, answer if you have answers - - - Updated - - - Note, this was part of a bigger rocket that I docked to an interplanetary rocket and undocked and landed back down.
  7. Mistakes were made, let's just say I hit fn+f5 instead of fn+f9, and my laythe flier now lies in pieces on the surface (and worst of all, without an antenna). How can I revert to a quicksave I just made? Previous. If I can't how can I edit my ship back together? It took a lot of work getting everything right, I can't have it end here.
  8. But the thing is I want the percent provided by the MPL not a complete 500 points of science from research. I think the later is op and ruins the point of even doing missions.
  9. So I want to be able to use the mobile processing lab, but when i hit start research, I can't stop it and i never clear out enough data to actually research things that i have actually collected. It says it has a maximum of 500 data and when I want to store 60 data from a thermometer reading it says there is not enough storage I just keep farming 500 science points which I don't want. HOW DO I USE THIS THING?
  10. Control and shift are for thrusters, wasd for rotation not motion. JKLI are for translation which moves you front back up down and left right, (you can adjust your rotation with wasd, but they wont move you anywhere ), and H/N are like shift and control for rcs thrusters respectively. This is useful because if you need to make quick and light adjustments, you can just propell yourself backwards instead of rotating around and burning. You should really never use docking mode, as regular mode works fine. But you do you. I: Translate up K: Translate down J: Translate left L: Translate right H: Translate forwards N: Translate backwards
  11. Put on a decoupler in the cargo bay and a docking port on another part of the ship/cargo bay. You can adjust the ejection force of the decoupler by right clicking it so it has the same force as a docking port. You can dock later by using a separate docking port somewhere else in the cargobay/ ship. I know this may not be what you wanted origonally but it still works. Take the rover and connect it to a decoupler, make the decoupler the root part by using the blue root tool next to the offset tool. Remove that part once you have done that. Save the rover as a subassembly by clicking at the top left of the parts menu to get another menu, and selecting the green rocket icon at the bottom, and dragging it over. Load the other vehicle. Load the subassembly and place it on the decoupler, and save it (as a new name so you can access each component separately in the future). Now you can dock later in the game (provided the ports are facing the right way (male side up) with that docking port in the cargo bay, it just wont be what connects the rover and vehicle at the start.
  12. Yes All RC thrusters should be in symmetry and either on the center of mass, or as balanced from center of mass as possible. There are mods that can help you with placement for more complex designs. But in general try to keep them on the same plane so one area doesn't have more torque than the other.
  13. Ok I think I get it but I don't know much about editing the .cfg file - - - Updated - - - I think I got it - - - Updated - - - should I change everything with name or title in it?
  14. Thanks bruh - - - Updated - - - Is there any way to close this thread? Was this the right place?
  15. Hi guys I have another n00by question for ya'll I want to be able to back up my game before updates as I have mods n'stuff but I don't really want to back up the entire KSP folder if I can help it. Rather I would like to know the bare minimum that will let my mods work, and ships stay should a update cause problems. (My desktop is on the fritz so I have been using my laptop which has a tiny SSD and the ksp folder is 1.77GB. I have found using the cloud to be annoying when it comes to large files.) I have looked online and Google has said just the save file and persistence is fine but I just don't trust that for some reason. I will back up the entire thing if I must but I would much rather not. On another note I'd like to know how to save a copy of the current MK1 cockpit before the 1.0.5 update as those little bulges on the sides have helped me to degrees that they really shouldn't. Thanks! If this is the wrong place for this thread let me know and I will change it!.
  16. Sorry If someone has already posted a thread on this but I am lazy. I'm also relatively new (obviously <5 posts) so if this is not the right place for this post (I did check the thread catagories) let me know. I heard in the 1.0.5 update ( I haven't been on KSP for about a week) they are changing the MK1 cockpit. I will miss it but the reason why it is very important for it to stay is because of those little bulges on the sides. While some may see it as a nuisance they have been very helpful in helping me design my aircraft. I am fairly certain they will go away with the new cockpit. (It's complicated but it will actually impact my designs (using rotation and offset may make up for it but it would take out a lot of ifs and tests if I could just keep it like it is). I don't ecxpect them to keep the current one as an alternative as that is not their style. Is there any way for me to keep that part? Maybe saving it as a new part or something? I just don't know how modding and everything work. I know I just sound like a total noob in this post but please help.
  17. Thanks to everyone who posted. I fixed the issue myself. Apparently KSP was just not liking my fuel line set up and there was a extremely tiny fuel line which was very old in the build that was adding an unwanted connection. I also know now that only the final stage needs to fuel the inner/main stage and not all of them. Thank you!! - - - Updated - - - Now how do I close this thread? XD
  18. So everyone has generally been recommending that I only need the last pair to feed the center tank. Which is fine, but that doesn't explain why one is getting fed more quickly. I will see about uploading my craft file, I have never done that before but I will just ask my trusty friend google about that. Mhoram, and dematt said things about bad configurations. But again thanks everyone for your help. Are there any mods that can help me with this? Also again, I am doing a kerbin X style of staging, not onion staging. - - - Updated - - - I am busy today so I can't get to it immediately. Thank you guys so much.
  19. I will upload the craft file either tonight or tomorrow. Can't access my pc now. Notes: l think I may be having this problem in other craft, so keep that in mind. My memory may be faulty though. I will check about my fins, but all the fuel lines are connecting properly to the center (I used symmetry) and all the lines are connecting to the correct tanks. Albiet potentially improperly. Mhoram, I don't quite understand what you are saying. Can you explain your diagram and what T1-4 means? Do you mean tiers? There are no other and inner ones, they are in a circle. Thanks guys so much, and remember l'm still learning about the game itself, and not how most effectively to play it, dont judge my rockets though they may suck but tips are welcome. This rocket btw is a kerbin system refueler. - - - Updated - - - Also I'm on mobile so if you got a bunch of replies, I'm sorry I can see them.
  20. Okay so I am having an issue with asparagus staging, and this has been happening with all of the craft (two) that I have used this on. I am doing a Kerbin X style staging using six boosters in pairs of two. All the details i can provide upon request. I can say with an 80% certainty that I have it all configured right. (I am familiar with the game by now but I still have much much to learn, and the arrows get fuzzy on the fuel lines (I have checked though)) All the boosters are feeding their fuel to the mainsail's tank (I did this with symmetry and made sure they all connected). The first pair is routing fuel to those next to them (right and left). On the right ones, fuel is being routed to their right (which is the tank to the left of the opposite fist stage booster). Everything works out and is nice and even until the last pair. The fuel is slightly uneven when the last pair is all alone ;.;l, But one is losing fuel at a much higher rate. I think it runs out twice as fast. I have been prematurely jettisoning them, as I can make it to orbit and everything just fine by the time one of them has run out of fuel. But I would much appreciate it if I didn't have to. Help meh!
  21. Yeeeeah that isn't really my department, could you guide me through?
  22. HI, I'm somewhat newish to KSP, I have made it to minmus twice in two attempts to give you some reference as to where I am in the game. I don't know why I did it, but I hit the red X button on Jebediah, Bob, Valentina, and Bill in the astronaut complex. I don't see them in the roster.......HOW DO I GET THEM BACK, I MISS THEM :'(
  23. Yeah that's what i was thinking too, judging by the size the communitron 16 seems good for near/on kerban but for missions when you are farther away...
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