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Everything posted by Scout61699

  1. Thanks for all the replies guys!! I took off the outer 4 engines and went to a single column rocket, to which fins magically solved all my problems! Since then I've been experimenting more, and I've found the solid fuel boosters have no issues! I put on 4 of those big tall 6Ton bad boys around the outside of my liquid fuel engin and I can actually make it to 100,000 km quite easily. Its only when when I switch to loquid engines I have this problem.. I made the stupidest looking rocket with the first available solid fuel booster.. I out 4 on the outside of my liquid engine, and I put 4 more on the outside of that, so I basically looked like a cross with 5 engines across both ways (2 solids, liquid, 2 solids) and then the same the other way.. So in all 8 solid boosters and 1 central liquid... This thing flew like a beast!! If I tried to switch them all to liquid it went no where... Why the difference?
  2. Hey there, So I used to play KSP a lot before, so I know all the controls and the parts and stuff, but I'm having a lot of difficulty just starting out in the new version I'm trying to start super simple. I've got only the first liquid engine and fuel tanks. My first rocket (well, second Since the first was 1 sold rocket) consists of a parachute on top, a command module, 5 engines, with 2 fuel tanks for each engine. 1 in the middle 4 around it. Oh and nose comes on the outer 4 Every time I get to about 5000 meters the rocket just flips strait over.. I've tried having all the rockets exactly even, tried having them as far down as I can, tried having them up. On all those scenarios I've tried differing throttle levels, from full throttle to 1/3 throttle. No matter what around 5000 meters, it just upends itself. I don't understand what is going on.. I've also tried starting out low and getting faster but to no avail I'm sure I'm just missing some mechanic or other but I dunno any help appreciated
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