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Everything posted by jak888

  1. Thanks guys that was just it! I managed to gain control over her wreck and EVA her over. I have tried [] before but it didn't work, since I have a german keyboard layout. \ seems to be the one. Good news: Digela is now part of my crew- with a full stupidity meter.
  2. Hi everyone, I couldn't find an answer to this anywhere on the web, so I decided to log in and ask here. I'm playing KSP in career mode and I took on a mission to rescue "Digela Kerman" (Don't know if these names are randomized or not). I built my rescue ship and went up there to see what's going on (is there a way to find this out from base?). Apparently Digela's wreckage is a single cupola module floating in space. How do I Rescue it? From close up it look like I could dock with the crew hatch at the bottom of the module, which I've tried to no success. Do I have to take it down with a klaw? I don't have the klaw yet. How can I shoot this thing down and collect the reward?
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