Alright so ive been for for awhile with this and still cant seem to get it to work, ive looked up instructions and everything and this is what i have so far try to get Lcars to work for Voyager, dunno if thats right tho, well it still dosent work so guess im missing something PART { name = voy_saucer module = Part author = Starvision // --- asset parameters --- mesh = scale=1 rescaleFactor=36 // --- node definitions --- node_stack_bottom01 = 0.0, -2.33518, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 30 node_stack_top01 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 30 node_stack_top02 = 0.0, -3.08451, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 6 // --- sounds --- sound_warp = running // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = experimentalRocketry entryCost = 25000 cost = 100000 category = Pods subcategory = 0 title = Voyager Hull manufacturer = Starfleet description = The main section of Voyager. Creates plasma for the warp drive and also includes thrusters for VTOL activities. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 100 dragModelType = Default maximum_drag = 0.6 minimum_drag = 0.25 angularDrag = 0.25 crashTolerance = 800 maxTemp = 5000 fuelCrossFeed = True breakingForce = 1000000 breakingTorque = 1000000 // --- SAS parameters --- // --- internal setup --- CrewCapacity = 7 vesselType = Ship INTERNAL { name = Voyager } MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleLight lightName = light2 useAnimationDim = true lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5 lightDimSpeed = 2.5 animationName = LightAnimation useResources = true } // --- Engine Stuff --- RESOURCE { name = Warp Plasma amount = 500000 maxAmount = 500000 } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = Warp Plasma rate = 500000000 } } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 80000 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 50000000 maxAmount = 50000000 } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 120000 YawTorque = 120000 RollTorque = 120000 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01 } } MODULE { name = FSengineSounds engage = SciFi/Sounds/sound_warpstart power = SciFi/Sounds/sound_voy_bridge flameout = SciFi/Sounds/sound_warning powerPitchBase = 1.0 thrustAddedToPitch = 0.0 powerFadeInSpeed = 0.7 powerFadeInDelay = 0.0 powerVolume = 2.0 engageVolume = 1.8 } MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = False ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 5000 heatProduction = 100 fxOffset = 0, -8.51542, -1.49597 PROPELLANT { name = Warp Plasma ratio = 0.1 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 500 key = 1 500 } } MODULE { name = LCARS_ImpulseDrive RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.1 } } MODULE { name = ModuleRCS thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster thrusterPower = 450 resourceName = Warp Plasma atmosphereCurve { key = 0 75 key = 1 75 } } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = surfacescan experimentActionName = Scan Area resetActionName = Delete Scan Data reviewActionName = Review Scan Data useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = True rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 10.0 } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = enterprisestatus experimentActionName = Captain's Log resetActionName = Delete Log useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = True resettable = True xmitDataScalar = 10.0 FxModules = 0 } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Mission Data storeActionName = Log Data evaOnlyStorage = False storageRange = 1000.0 } MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.01 packetSize = 0.5 packetResourceCost = 1000.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge DeployFxModules = 0 } MODULE { name = LCARS_ShuttleBay volume = 450 } MODULE { name = LCARS_CargoBay maxTonnage = 200 } MODULE { name = LCARS_CloakingDevice } MODULE { name = LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField } MODULE { name = LCARS_FuelTransfer } MODULE { name = LCARS_CrewQuartier } MODULE { name = LCARS_TransporterSystem } MODULE { name = LCARS_WeaponSystems } MODULE { name = LCARS_PhotonTorpedo } MODULE { name = LCARS_TractorBeam } MODULE { name = LCARS_SensorArray } }