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Capt. Spiff

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Im new to the forum so im sorry for any inconvenience... There are 3 bugs/issues i would like to know how to solve: 1- Fuel is crossfeeding via stage, ignoring "No-Crossfeed" structures. ultra annoying for it uses fuel i dont want to lock. 2- Airbrakes toggle is dead and you cant change the basic action group for them 3- "Mirror" modeling is bugged for the structs. they get to the right position, but you cant place the second end, no matter what, the second part follows the "radial" mode thank you guys... - - - Updated - - - For the Struct bug, its only happening on VAB. And by the way, the CoT vector direction display is buggy for me...
  2. but if i lock the fuel, ill have to stage and unlock at the same time, pretty stupid =/
  3. deleting that helped me a lot, but still, i dont have the toggle ='/ Thank you anyway
  4. This is my second thread so please patience ^^ I'm trying to construct spaceplanes and its harder now on the last build. But theres some bugs that are getting on my nervers: 1st.: I CANT change the action of the airbrake. no matter what. After you changed the action on the action group, they change back to the standart 2nd.: Fuel is crossfeeding even when i conect he tanks with structures that are described as "no fuel crossfeed". What do you guys think about it and how could i dodge it?? thanks anyway ^^
  5. But how am i going to get a "negative" lift stabilizer??
  6. Hi there, I'm new to the forum, new to english and not so new to the game, so sorry if I do anything wrong. After a lot of hours on the game I started to take note of what I felt was not right and it ended like this: Adjustable landing gear height: -There's no middle ground between LY-10 and LY-50 Adjustable wings lift: -IRL horizontal stabilizers don't generate lift. So it's easier to develop a plane with CoL and CoM together. More detailed map: -It's stupid i know but it would be cool to know where's the KSP at "night" or what Biome is that... Airport lights: -It would be cool if the airstrip and the KSC itself had proper visual identification at distance. Map surface/orbit: -You can change the speed reference, but can't change the trajectory's reference (for landings and contracts). Contract location visible on flight: -Why not? -Graphic overhaul is already a thread so I'm not going to talk about it. We all want it as we want more aerodynamics parts, procedural wings, jet engines... Solar panel in hangar: - We can now tweak all instruments while planning, but not the panels... Still bugs: -We still have some bugs like airbrakes action, or some sudden deaths/explosions, suddenly losing control of your ship and then you have to go to the tracking station and back... Non equatorial bases: -More bases to start the game, and the opportunity to buy others... So, whats do you guys think???
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