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    Curious George
  1. Not a big fan of more gas planets to be honest. I would rather see more interesting planets that you could land on and explore. Maybe a binary planet system like Pluto and Charon. Definitely more habitable planets. Maybe planets with underground oceans, A Europa analog. And more things to discover on the planets. The science system in KSP is kind of weak. You can basically fit all the science experiments onto one probe. Not to mention things like temperature and gravity aren't the most interesting things to discover. Maybe a more robust science system where the planets have a lot of really cool things to be discovered and every mission uncovers more and more until you make big discoveries like life or the origins of the planet or where it's ancient moon disappeared to. Definitely a detailed robust story for the planets.
  2. Imagine developing a mission to Duna, let's say a rover, and before launch, bringing your rocket out of your computer and into the real world. You can see your rocket right in front of you and check for any mistakes you may have made but missed on your computer. You find something you don't like and decide to change it. Instead of having to go back to your computer, you can change it right there with Hololens. Hololens allows for manipulating your rocket in 3D. (Microsoft has demonstrated multiple times the benefits for engineers and designers) Then your ready for launch. But before liftoff, you want to check to make sure the planets are properly aligned. You could pull up the entire Kerbol System, in 3D, live, right in your living room. You find out that the planets are perfectly aligned. You liftoff, get into orbit and make the transfer maneuver. Fast forward to your Duna Rover on the surface. NASA actually has used the development version of Hololens to get a Panoramic 3D view of Mars here on earth, so you can Imagine you would be able to do the same thing only for Duna or any other body, right in your living room. Anyways, I think this will radically change how people play KSP when Hololens is released and I hope Squad takes full advantage of this technology. I want to know what everyone thinks of this so please leave your opinion!
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