hi this is my first post and im gonna try and embed an imgur album so i could use some help. here are the images of my space plane design that i drew in mspaint and they suck so dont be too harsh. did it work? i think it did. i dont even have ksp yet but i know alot about it, ive been learning everything about it. it uses turboramjets that tilt so they can be used for vtol and regular flight. once flying nominally it activates the 4 pulse detonation engines to get up to hypersonic speeds. when flying supersonic it activates the 4 scramjets. since its an ssto, it has engines for space, 1 linear aerospike and 2 ion engines, as well as a deployable solar sail. for thiner atmosperes such as duna's, a small bay containing a single electric collapsable propeller, is activated. it is also prepared for any emergency, like what if you need to make an emergency landing and there is no runway? that is why it is a vtol. but that same situation happens but all engines have failed? it has an inflatable balloon it can use for landing. what about plumiting through the atmospere and the parachutes fail? it has emergency airbags like the ones curiosity used to land on mars. what if there is no land? the airbags double as a float. it can be used in any situation. all things mentioned are from existing mods.