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Everything posted by westom

  1. That is the popular myth. But if a protector is adjacent to an appliance, it must either absorb that energy or block it. Why do some adjacent protectors make electronics damage easier? it levels out the voltage on more incoming wires. A maybe 5000 volt surge approaching on the black (hot) AC wire is simply 'leveled out'. So 4670 volts is also on the white (neutral) wire and green (safety ground) wire. Now that surge has even more paths to find earth destructively via an adjacent appliance. Protectors that are grossly undersized with obscene profit margins quietly admit they do not protection from destructive surges such as lightning. They only protect from surges already made irrelevant by protection already inside every appliance. A home owner's concern is the rare and destructive transient that overwhelms existing internal protection. This type of surge is not averted by plug-in (magic box) protectors. And is routinely averted by the properly earthed 'whole house' protector. Why do facilities that cannot have damage NOT use plug-in protectors? They cannot have protectors that can make damage easier. Their every surge protector must be for surges that cause damage - such as lightning. And they do not want grossly undersized (plug-in) protectors that can also cause a structure fire. Be concerned for any recommendation that does not include numbers. For example, lightning is typically 20,000 amps. So a minimal 'whole house' protector is 50,000 amps. Because effective protectors are for direct lightning strikes. Because effective protectors must never fail during a surge. And because the 'whole house' solution is the solution proven by over 100 years of science and experience. Protectors that do not claim to protect from lightning must also be protected by the 'whole house' solution. Otherwise the risk of a house fire is significant. That should have everyone's attention. A protector is only as effective as its earth ground. That has never changed no matter what is claimed 'subjectively' by advertising. Useful recommendations always include numbers.
  2. Destructive surges can be hundreds of thousands of joules. How many joules does the UPS claim to absorb? Almost anything can be recommended without numbers. View its numbers (hundreds) to discover the UPS is near zero protection. But it is 100% protection when thinking subjectively.Lightning can find a destructive path from cloud to earth via the structure. So we earth a lightning rod. Lightning can find a destructive path from cloud to earth via appliances. So we earth every incoming utility wire (either directly or via a 'whole house' protector). Protection is always about the path that a surge takes to earth. Nothing stops that current - especially not a near zero UPS. The 'whole house' protector is obviously and completely different from ineffective (magic box) plug-in protectors. Plug-in protectors claim to absorb that surge energy. How many joules does it really absorb? Plug-in protectors will somehow block what three miles of sky could not? Of course not. A direct ligthning strike to AC mains far down the street is incoming to every appliance. All need that protection. One typically destructive path is incoming via AC mains. Outgoing via the ethernet port. Then to earth ground via the fiber optic interface box. Damage means that current is other incoming on one wire and outgoing on another wire. Then much later, something in that path fails. All ethernet already have robust protection (ie 2000 volts). Your concern is the rare transient that can overwhelm protection inside any and every appliance. That means you earth the surge BEFORE it can enter the building. Either either via a hardwire (ie cable TV, antenna) or via a 'whole house' protector (AC electric, telephone). What must have almost all of your attention? Not even the 'whole house' protector. Protection is always about where hundreds of thousandes of joules harmlessly dissipate. Even a 'whole house' protector is ineffective without what is far more important - single point earth ground. BTW, what also makes a lightning rod effective? Earth ground.
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