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  1. Weywot8's post in Deleted was marked as the answer   
    Perhaps "B9 Part Switch" is the right mod. Not entirely certain for your own issue but B9 Part Switch is the main dependency that is responsible for all texture switching in the mods I use.
  2. Weywot8's post in Gliding on Mars [RSS/RO] was marked as the answer   
    Just guessing but probably your front still isn't heavy enough vs the first one? Try shifting the front boosters further to the back/reduce the thrust on the boosters.
  3. Weywot8's post in Help pls, how can i prevent this? was marked as the answer   
    Does help now of course but for the future,  with advance tweakables on, would changing the autostrut options on other parts of the base help stabilize the structure? Say strut to grandparent/parent? Not sure myself but thought I'd throw it out there if you are thinking of magically repairing/replacing the station with a newly constructed one using the debug menu.
  4. Weywot8's post in How to switch Between Vessel/Kerbal was marked as the answer   
    "]" ----> Cycle through active ships (forwards)     "["     ----> Cycle through active ships (backwards)  
    "Ships" include Kerbals that are close by to the active ship. The square bracket keys are to the right of the letter P on the keyboard (same on the Mac, yes?)
    Hope that helps.
  5. Weywot8's post in Principia/RSS lunar launch windows was marked as the answer   
    Not understanding what you are looking for then -  technically, the moon is never "in plane" over the Cape but the inclination minimises over a period of 18.6 years, as you've said.. The optimum for that 'lunar month" would be the day around when the moon will pass the correct 'node' as everyone has described - "Baikonur-style" with two potential launch windows for that day - one generally much better than the other. which is reserved for "oops, missed the first one".
     Astronomers already measure the time it takes the moon to complete a node-node orbit, incorporating the precision of nodes - the draconic/draconitic month = 27.2122 days. So your 'optimum' launch window comes every draconitic month since the last one +/- planets rotation to best launch angle for that day.
    If you are simply looking for the month/year of minimum inclination, then it's just 18.61 years after the last minima. Oddly enough Apollo 11 launched in the year of maximum inclination - 1969.  Maybe it was to get the best coverage of potential landing spots instead of being stuck at the equator (just speculating)
    The last minima was October 2015 - so it was nearly in plane then and we could launch 'whenever' during the later half of 2015 which is another version of 'optimum' launch window.
    More generally,the inclination is minimised when N = 180
    N(T) = 259.16 - 1934.14T + 0.0021T2, 
    where T = the number of Julian centuries that have passed since midnight on 1 January 1900 at the Greenwich meridian.
    Hope that answers your question.
  6. Weywot8's post in Kerbol System Distance Chart was marked as the answer   
    The KSP wiki is your friend for many things, this included. The game uses meters instead of km, probably because all the equations and calcs need inputs in meters. 
    As for AU - that's an Earth-centric measure where the average distance of the Earth to the Sun (or Semi-Major Axis, SMA) = 1AU = 149597871km. 
    So Kerbin is 0.091AU out from its sun or 1KU (Kerbonautical Unit )
    I'll leave the rest of the math to you but it is interesting to note that the system Kerbin is in approximates the relative distances of our own solar system. Jupiter = ~5.2 AU vs Jool = ~5.1KU
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