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Everything posted by Ghostline

  1. The contract expired but thank you, I'll keep that in mind for the future.
  2. I have tried it unfortunately. Tried literally everything I could think of, still nothing haha. At least there's not something wrong with the testing functions though, so thanks.
  3. Ok thanks, really don't know then. It's definitely the right part, it's highlighted blue, is listed as experimental, and matches the contract name. Conditions are definitely both ticked when activated, just no recognition of completion and no ability to test. I might just have to cancel the contract which is annoying. Anyway, thanks for your help
  4. Thanks for your reply, it sounded like a good solution and I thought that may have been the issue. Unfortunately I tried removing the fuel and the same thing happened. Also when I right click the part there is no option to test it. Not sure exactly what's happening. Should every part have a test function?
  5. I'm trying to complete the contract "Test S1 SRB-KD25k at the launch site". All it says it to test the part through staging at the launch site. I made a pretty basic rocket, just a standard capsule with a parachute, a decoupler and then the SRB. At the launch site, both conditions "At kerbin" and "at launch site" were ticked green so I activated the part in the staging. The contract was not completed and all that happened was the "at launch site" became unticked. Has anyone encountered something like this before? Mods I am currently running are: KAS KIS Kethane Kerbaltek All of which are up to date. Could any of them be causing a problem or am I missing something blindingly obvious? Thank you in advance. If any more information is needed let me know.
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