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Everything posted by MydKnight

  1. I tried getting orange tanks on it, but I didn't want to do it in anything more than one flight. So after a few failed attempts at getting 4 orange tanks up to the station, I changed them to the smaller greys. @maceemiller, I'm struggling to build stuff on the ground let alone in LKO.
  2. I did it! HAHA! I finally finished my first space station. It's taken me ages, But I finally placed the final fuel module today. It's as ugly as sin, but it works. So there it sits, in it's polar orbit. I'm fairly positive it's to small to be of any use to inter-planetary missions. but at least now I know I can do it. need to refine the design,and try again.
  3. I been playing for a couple of weeks now... I love this game, but it has a steep learning curve. I've managed to make it to the Mun and back and am now trying to get a space station up and running... having major dramas getting it off the ground. But I'll get there.
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