So I did all the early stuff without any addons, just sort of using trial and error to figure how big of a rocket i needed. I managed to land on both mun and minmus that way. Now I downloaded kerbal engineer so I can plan how much delta-v I am going to need. I am trying to now send another ship to the mun to leave a rover, scientist, and mobile processing lab there, and bring the pilot back. Anyway, I sorta through a rocket together I thought might be enough, kerbal engineer said it had about 5700 delta-v, an after trying it out it was going to be a few hundred short of getting back. Looking at the delta-v charts online that seems pretty consistent, but then I loaded up my old lander from the first time I went to the mun without trying to bring so much with me, and it was barely over 4000 delta-v according to kerbal engineer. So am I going crazy? The new rocket has a bigger paylod, but shouldn't that be factored into the delta v calculation already? I know the way I designed it with my rover at the bottom of the final stage, about a third of the way from the top of the total rocket, it can be a little wobbly in stage two, but it shouldn't affect the efficiency THAT much. Also, according to what I have read it shouldn't even be possible to land on the mun and come back with barely 4k delta v. Maybe the save of my old rocket got altered somehow without me realizing it? I am confused.