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Everything posted by Pjj

  1. Yay, 1.05 fixed all my claw issues! My game has basically been on hold since June because of it. Just wanted to say thanks!
  2. I tried building up momentum with the rover then switching to the claw and waiting for it to roll, with a similar result. I'll try again and then see about uploading a save.
  3. I'm trying to dock a rover to a stationary planetary base via claws. I tested the design on Kerbin before flying them out to Duna, worked perfectly fine there. When driving the rover into the claw, all the solar panels on both vessels break, the interface disappears, and the game slowly chugs to a halt. The flight log shows no collision events or anything. I've tried docking with the panels stowed, they don't break but otherwise the result is the same (I think they're a side effect of whatever is causing the problem.
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