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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. This what you are looking for? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126123-1-0-2-StowedEngines-1-0-%28June-21%29
  2. Ok, thanks I will check this out! Edit: It does subdivide the categories! Notably it does not subdivide the mk2 and mk3 system into their own groups.
  3. When I turned "Shadow Cascades" up to 64 I could see the shadow at around 600m above the surface of the moon. (600m is from kerbal engineer)
  4. I remember reading somewhere that doing a flyby helps to make it a valid target to land on. In my KSP career game I remember not having many moon missions until I sent a lander, then I got missions to land bases take temp scans, and rescue kerbals out of orbit. Here is a rocket I would recommend, costing only 12,615 and weighing in at 27.1 tons.
  5. I am aware of the sub groups tab, where you can create custom groups, but find them annoying as they do not transfer from save to save, and for various other reasons. In [ksp-win] -> [GameData] -> [squad] -> [Parts] -> [ Aero] -> [Airbrake] -> [Airbrake.config] I opened it (with notepad) and found this. What I am looking to do in short is add a new category. If I change this pre-defined category to something other than a predefined category, the part vanishes (and re-appears when I change the category back). by predefined category I mean - Aero - FuelTank - Engine - Utility - Science - (etc) Thanks for any help!
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