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Serpens Solidus

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Everything posted by Serpens Solidus

  1. Game refuses to load :(. What do I do? Fresh Win64 Full Game install from the store.
  2. Because chutes don't work on planets without an atmosphere...
  3. I reinstalled the entire game, and the issue is gone. It's probably caused by the patcher. I tested the other legs and wheels as well, and almost all of them caused ridiculous phantom forces upon contact, ripping everything apart.
  4. So this happened during my very first Mun landing in 1.1.2: I tried to land in several different places, but it kept going boom.
  5. 10 -20 reuses per stage, up to 100 with little refurbishment according to elon
  6. elon just said it's likely this is the first booster to refly nasa.gov/nasatv live
  7. meanwhile, the livecast guys are rambling about expandable space stations and other boring stuff
  8. That was what i call yesterday. I was referring to the backup mentioned in this tweet: What happened to that?
  9. Why did they scrub today's backup launch attempt?
  10. Physicsless parts seem to apply some kind of force in the atmosphere when they are not perpendicular to the airstream. See images. http://s30.postimg.org/hasbqr7cf/screenshot27.png http://s30.postimg.org/n2sfxwh68/screenshot28.jpg http://s30.postimg.org/uy2zcpqsw/screenshot29.jpg http://s30.postimg.org/letaj93ao/screenshot30.jpg http://s30.postimg.org/kzi0q8hdc/screenshot31.jpg It only happens in the atmosphere. I tested a bunch of different parts. Some parts caused the rocket to turn north as in the pictures, other parts turned it south.
  11. http://i.imgur.com/NKZhU57.png According to this delta v map you can return from Ike to Kerbin with 850 m/s, if your craft is able to survive the heat from reentry.
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