running steam verison on Linux Mint I have a ship with a service bay, in it is a central column of octo-struts with 3 FLT-200s radialy attached, each FLT-200 has one round mono tank and two z-100 battery packs, all in a fairing at about 30km the batteries start to overheat, (F11 says the rest of the ship is cool) and at about 70km the ship exploads, F3 says on of the octo-struts overheated I can no longer open the service bay either so I cannot put heat sinks in it or the fuel lines I just discovered it needed (third game-breaking bug found in two days, time to play something else) EDIT: oops, I have mods installed KAC, Kerbal Engineer, kOS and Navball Docking Alignment Indicator, but for my last bugs removing them did not fix the issues EDIT: heres the file keep in mind that the final engine has not yet been hooked up to its fuel tanks