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Everything posted by miyadaman

  1. So after the update for the past 2 days I've done nothing but try to get one ship into orbit. The same ship. I've rebuilt it three times, modifying what seems to be the problem every time. I built a rocket to take me to the moon with the lander attached. Basically, what happens is that random parts keep blowing up. For a long time it was one of the landing struts on the lander. It just kept blowing up. No reason, no warning, just BOOM! It happened after about 30 seconds no matter what I did. Even just sitting on the launch pad it would blow up. So I rebuilt. Now, random things blow up randomly. But, more than that, my lander just falls apart. The service bay and the MK-2 Lander will just randomly detach from eachother. No reason I can find. They just all of a sudden slip off the fuel tank and engine assembly and either blow up if in atmosphere or fly off into space if in space. Heck, even if I'm sitting at the launch pad it will happen sometimes. Is anyone else encountering random explosions or parts of your ship that don't want to stay attached no matter what you do? I have a feeling there's a bug in 1.04 with one of the pieces I'm using. Nothing else explains it.
  2. I had this same thing happen the entire night tonight. It was very frustrating. I actually have shelved the game for the time being I'm so frustrated. Random parts blowing up, parts of my ship just detaching from one another, all sorts of random stuff happening. The part that kept blowing up? Landing gear on my moon lander. I didn't know they packed those things with high explosives.
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