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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. On my first Mun mission, I forgot an engine on the final stage. After that, I tried again. I forgot a ladder that time.
  2. The only thing I have anything wrong with is the loading times, especially with all the mods I have installed.
  3. Mine was "Kerbal Launch", it barely got off the ground
  4. I created a bunch of various rockets, satellites, and probes to use for various things later. One of the things i made was a very small probe which I flew around the KSC, which entertained me for about 20 minutes.
  5. Heeellloooo everybody! Around a week ago I started playing ksp, and I just made my forum account late last night. I mostly play in sandbox mode, to experiment with stuff. So far I've been able to land on Mun and Minmus a couple times and Duna once. Kerbal Space Program is an amazing game, 10/10
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